Tuesday, December 12, 2023 @

The Last Order | Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - Absolute Focus is the Biggest Cheat

"Activate, [Absolute Focus]." 

When Lu Yuan activated [Absolute Focus] this time, he immediately felt a different sensation than before.

His application of the knowledge points he had mastered in textbooks reached an unprecedented level, extremely thorough.

When a question was in front of him, those relevant formulas, theorems, and principles flew quickly out of his mind, combining into different solutions at the fastest speed.

It was even more outrageous in language subjects. 

After Lu Yuan glanced over long passages in a foreign language, they immediately appeared in his mind as a meaning-for-meaning translation composed in his most familiar native language. 

If there was an outsider present, they would definitely be greatly surprised by the speed at which Lu Yuan solved questions.

Because it seemed like he didn't need to think at all. 

After reading a question, the answer had already logically appeared on the paper.


Like the prompt tone when a microwave finishes heating.

Lu Yuan came out of the [Absolute Focus] state.

A faint sense of fatigue swept over him.

But it was better than any previous state.

"The alarm didn't ring.

The one hour hasn't passed yet?"

Lu Yuan checked his phone with a slightly surprised expression. 

The effect of lvl 2 [Absolute Focus] was better than he had imagined. 

Homework that he had estimated would take an hour and a half, he had finished in just forty-five minutes, completing all the work for one class period. 

The efficiency had increased by a full 100%!



Lu Yuan quickly flipped through the homework and tests he had completed. 

Although there were no standard answers to compare with, he still had an extremely strong intuition.

"The correctness rate of this homework has definitely increased!"

The lvl 2 [Absolute Focus] allowed him to enter an even deeper level of focus than before. 

In this state, his above average 10 point Intelligence seemed to be fully utilized.

"Even if others have 10 point Intelligence like me, they absolutely can't compare to me in thinking speed and other areas."  

Lu Yuan had this confidence.

Looking back at the panel.

The accumulated information tips gave him another small surprise.

"The professional experience gained every ten minutes has become 2 points!

The basic skill experience gained each time has also almost doubled?!"

The experience gained in the forty-five minutes, turned out to not be less than what he usually got in two hours.

"Efficiency doubled, experience gains also doubled!"

This was undoubtedly huge news for Lu Yuan.

It meant his leveling speed had also doubled!

"Got to see if it can still have this kind of effect when applied to the [Fighter] profession."

Lu Yuan couldn't wait for his stamina to recover.

He directly grabbed his training mat and went to the living room.

[You focused on professional training for 10 minutes, profession experience +2] 

[Your skill Beginner Body Tempering has improved, experience +4]

[Your skill Beginner Body Tempering has improved, experience +6]

After finishing two sets of strength training, Lu Yuan was satisfied with the feedback he got. 

The experience gained under the [Fighter] panel also doubled.

"Absolute focus can be applied to any professional field. 

As expected, concentration is the biggest cheat!"

After two sets of strength training, Lu Yuan started practicing the basic leg techniques he had just learned this morning.

The feeling was even more obvious this time.

As he practiced, his mind kept popping up with demonstrations of each move that Master Lin Zhiqin had shown during the morning lesson, like playing a movie.

Very clear, every detail could be recalled vividly.

And under the lvl 2 [Absolute Focus] state, Lu Yuan's control over the muscles in each part of his body also seemed to increase.

In the past when practicing by himself, there would always be some "easy to watch, hard to imitate" situations.

It was much better now. 

With the mind recalling and the eyes watching, he could imitate seventy to eighty percent, and after getting hands on, he could achieve forty to fifty percent proficiency.

This was already quite impressive.

After all, Lu Yuan himself was not some martial arts prodigy with extraordinary talent and amazing comprehension ability.

All he could do was try his best and focus.

Lu Yuan spent the rest of the time completely immersed in training. 

During school days, he only had a few hours at night that he could spend on martial arts cultivation.

With the rare two weekend days free, he had to fight for every second.

Lu Yuan made a schedule for training and rest times. 

Based on his physical condition, he controlled the duration of each training session to be as suitable as possible.

The situation last time where he had trained until his whole body was sore and he could barely walk was not allowed to happen again.

Excessive practice would instead slow down his cultivation progress.

The afternoon passed quickly in focused training.

At dinner time, Lu Xinghua came back for a bit, and his whole demeanor seemed to have gotten a little worse.

Although worried, Lu Yuan didn't say anything.

In the last two days, news had come from the hospital that grandfather's surgery for his cerebral thrombosis seemed to need to be postponed for another two days.

More than once recently, he had heard his father Lu Xinghua pleading with people on the phone to borrow money.

Although he had lived two lifetimes, Lu Yuan's heart still felt uncomfortable.

He didn't know if the over 1,000 yuan hidden in his parents' wardrobe had been discovered.

But even if it was discovered, that little bit of money wouldn't solve any real issues.

"School, martial arts school.

No matter which field I can make a breakthrough in, it could alleviate the pressure my family is facing right now.

I still need to work harder."

Only desperately learning and training could barely dilute the deep sense of powerlessness in Lu Yuan's heart.

He spent the nighttime hours training.

In between, his sister Lu Jing made a video call back home.

It was after 8pm in Jiaoyan City, still bright in Xixu where she was.

Lu Jing ate plain steamed buns while chatting with Lu Yuan, saying their archaeological team was almost at the entrance of the temple ruins they were excavating. 

Estimated two more days and they could go inside to investigate.

Unfortunately she was too inexperienced, and had no chance of being selected for the first batch of personnel allowed to enter.

As Lu Yuan listened to her grumbling, just as he was about to offer some comfort, the video call abruptly disconnected with a "thud" due to poor network signal.

Calling back got no answer.

He could only give up.

By 11pm, nearing bedtime.

Lu Yuan's [Fighter] profession panel data had changed to:

[Fighter lvl 2 (81/200)]

[Basic Profession Skills: Beginner Body Tempering lvl 3 (2/400)

Basic Boxing lvl 2 (153/200)

Basic Leg Techniques lvl 2 (89/200)]

Profession experience increased by over 70 points, Beginner Body Tempering increased by over 60 points, rising to lvl 3. 

Basic Boxing increased by nearly 100 points.

The main focus of practice, Basic Leg Techniques, increased the most, nearly 200, directly breaking through lvl 2, and reaching close to half the progress of lvl 2.

"After Beginner Body Tempering rose to lvl 3, the difficulty of gaining experience clearly increased.

Sometimes after finishing a set of training, it could only increase 1-2 points of experience.

Is it because my physique has been enhanced?"

After showering, Lu Yuan lay on the bed wearing only boxer briefs.

The curtains weren't drawn, allowing light from the streetlamps outside to shine in, and the occasional sound of cars driving by could be heard.

"Looks like I'll have to increase the intensity of strength training.

Increasing intensity inevitably requires equipment, I should go to the martial arts school to exercise after school every day next week."

Now looking back, Lu Yuan felt that his decision to directly add attribute points to Physique was still too hasty.

The optimal way to maximize returns should have been to wait until the extent of strength and physique growth brought by the Beginner Body Tempering skill started to slow down, before adding points.

After Beginner Body Tempering rose to lvl 3, he clearly felt the muscles in his thighs, calves, arms, chest, waist and abdomen had become more solid, and his skin seemed to have become more elastic.

His whole body was like a lump of iron, with impurities hammered out under repeated external force, becoming more compact and solid.

Opening the reading app on his phone, he casually found a novel to browse.


The light from Lu Yuan's phone on the bed went out, as he had already fallen asleep.