Wednesday, January 3, 2024 @

The Last Order | Chapter 37

Chapter 37 - Crows and Shuttles

The competition on the stage continued. 

When he saw the tenth match, which was also the last match tonight, Lin Zhiqin, who was commenting, suddenly stopped and asked Lu Yuan, "What time do you have free every day?"

Lu Yuan was taken aback.

After a moment of silence, he replied, "School ends at 5:30 p.m. I'm free after that. In two weeks, it will be summer vacation and I'll have a lot more free time."


Hearing Lu Yuan's reply, a smile appeared on Lin Zhiqin's face. 

This was Lu Yuan's formal acceptance.

"Then I'll come pick you up tomorrow afternoon. Which school do you go to again?"

Lin Zhiqin's tone suddenly became more relaxed and intimate.

"So soon?"  

Lu Yuan thought for a moment and said, "I wanted to prepare a bit, find time to buy insurance or something."


Lin Zhiqin couldn't help but laugh and scold, "What are you thinking? I'll first teach you combat skills, and some other things. Your fundamentals and punching power are decent, but you still lack a bit to get on stage. Although the main purpose of participating in the competition is to train for real combat, it's still better to avoid getting beat up if you can. You can also get scolded less when you go home."

Lu Yuan suddenly felt that the Lin Zhiqin in front of him had become lovely.

After the ten matches were over, there was another dance sequence similar to the opening. 

The insignia of the Mosart Religion appeared on all four giant screens.

The eyes of the huge statue of the goat head on the ceiling of the arena began to flash red lights continuously. 

This time Lu Yuan was certain there must be red sensor lights installed inside.

Before the hot dance on stage ended, Lu Yuan had already left the arena with Lin Zhiqin.

They passed through the lobby, corridors and elevators they came in through, and went up to the first floor.

Outside, the sky was already pitch dark.

The streetlamps on the roadside were on, and there was still a round moon in the sky.

It looked quite round, just a little fuzzy and unclear.

"It's almost nine o'clock. I'll take you home," Lin Zhiqin called Lu Yuan to get in the car.

Just as Lu Yuan was about to open the car door,

He suddenly heard a burst of noisy flapping overhead.

He looked up at the sky.

He saw that the clouds that had been covering the moon were now gone somehow. 

The breathless moon looked big, round and white.

And in this bright moonlit sky, a flock of black silhouettes flew by swiftly and away into the distance.

"Those are..."

Lu Yuan squinted and stared for a while, "Crows?"

"Where did so many crows flock together in the city?"

Lu Yuan shook his head and got into the car without thinking more about it.

"12.33 seconds!"


"12.54 seconds!" 


On the track and field, a teenager was repeatedly sprinting 100 meters. 

At the finish line, another teenager about the same age kept recording times on his phone.

After another sprint, the one timing suddenly jumped up and shouted loudly.

"Damn! 11.89 seconds!"

"Lu Yuan, you're awesome! This speed is catching up with sprinters!"

Cheng Peng looked utterly amazed, staring at Lu Yuan as if looking at a monster.

Lu Yuan slowly walked back from afar.

"My speed has improved a lot. I couldn't even make the 13.5 second qualifying time for the 100 meters before. Apart from agility, I guess it's also related to strength. The explosive power in my legs has increased tremendously. Well, Absolute Focus also helps a bit."

Lu Yuan was in the Absolute Focus state for that last sprint. As a result, he burst through the 12-second barrier. 

Although this result was hand-timed by Cheng Peng and not accurate.

The multiple sprints in a short period caused a large accumulation of lactic acid in his leg muscles, making Lu Yuan's legs feel a little numb now.

Cheng Peng was still shouting excitedly. 

"When did you get so awesome? I'm convinced, you must have secretly taken steroids without telling me!"

Cheng Peng considered himself quite the sports expert, but Lu Yuan's performance now in all aspects was beyond his reach.

"I just practiced and it improved," Lu Yuan casually replied.

"Damn, you've only been practicing martial arts for a few days!"

Cheng Peng said angrily, and then couldn't help complaining, "Speaking of which, you asked me to skip self-study class this afternoon, don't tell me it was just to accompany you to practice running here!"

"Isn't exercise good? Sitting in the classroom all day, my butt is getting numb. Coming out here to move the joints and bones, and the brain can also turn faster, learning is more efficient."

"You're top of the grade, you're awesome, you're amazing."

Cheng Peng couldn't help giving him a thumbs up, but his expression was "you really got it going on".

The monthly exam results came out. 

As Lu Yuan expected, he made it into the top three of the grade, second place, just a few points behind first place. 

Naturally the head teacher and subject teachers praised and admired him a lot.

A month ago, Lu Yuan might have felt very happy about this.

But now, 

He felt it was just alright. 

Not as fulfilling as making progress in martial arts.

On the other hand, making the top three this monthly exam and getting the 2,000 yuan scholarship reward from the school was quite substantial.

"There's still the final exam in two weeks, can get it again."

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan's mood improved. He called to Cheng Peng, "Let's go to the school store. My treat today, get whatever you want to eat."


Cheng Peng seemed a bit tempted, but he looked at the time.

His eyes suddenly became evasive.

"Nevermind, I've got something to do. I'll properly rip you off next time."

Saying that, he actually ran towards the teaching building.

Lu Yuan sensed something wrong and couldn't help shouting, "Where are you going?"

Cheng Peng turned his head and smiled at him, blinking his eyes, "Going to deliver something for someone. Bro's got a girlfriend, haha!"


Lu Yuan was shocked and blurted out, "When did this happen?"

"I'll tell you later.

High school senior year is almost here, if I don't get a girlfriend my youth will slip away!

Ling Yue is left for you, think about it carefully, Lu Yuan!"

Cheng Peng didn't look back, running with his arms spread out, as if wantonly embracing his youth.

Unfortunately this feeling didn't even last two seconds before it was completely shattered by a loud yell from afar.

"Hey you! Which class are you from? 

Stop right there!"

Cheng Peng instantly took off like a startled rabbit, his speed even faster than Lu Yuan's 100 meter sprint just now.


Lu Yuan stood there quite speechless, watching Cheng Peng's back quickly disappear.

He didn't care about being caught by the teacher on duty.

With his second in the grade status, not just skipping self-study, even if he was peeing on the track field right now the school leaders would praise him for cherishing the grass.


Lu Yuan shook his head, shaking these two words out of his mind.

"Too time wasting, better to study and practice martial arts."

"Practice a bit more."

Lu Yuan looked at the Profession Panel, that sprint practice just now raised his Basic Footwork by a few experience points.

Just as Lu Yuan was about to run two more laps around the track,

Suddenly, a slight buzzing sound came from overhead.

"Buzz Buzz Buzz--"

The sound was like countless dragonflies vibrating their wings flying over his head.

He instinctively looked up.

Only to see several shuttle-shaped silver-gray aircraft slowly gliding across the sky above him.

Very close to him.

As if he could reach out and grab them.

"Magnetic levitation shuttles..."

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

He had only seen these on TV news.

Somehow, Lu Yuan's mind suddenly recalled what Lin Zhiqin said to him in the car yesterday.

"The above..."

"Are these people from above?"