Monday, December 25, 2023 @

The Last Order | Chapter 27

Chapter 27 - Then Come Fight Me

Lu Yuan nodded at the girl and said thanks. Then he turned and headed upstairs to the martial arts school. 

He greeted Cheng Peng and said he was going to practice a bit more and that Cheng Peng didn't need to wait for him but could head home first.

This was Lu Yuan's first time going upstairs at the school. 

On the walls along the stairs leading upstairs and along the second floor hallway, there was a framed photo hanging every few meters. 

The photos were almost all of martial arts students who had won awards in fighting competitions, holding trophies.

Lu Yuan looked them over one by one.

There were photos of students who had won competitions in the city, in the province, and the highest was a national level competition. 

But in the photo of the person smiling brightly holding a third place trophy and belt, he seemed to be wearing a uniform not from Yuan Martial Arts School.


Lu Yuan read the character printed on the uniform. 

This photo also looked quite old, with slightly yellowed edges.

"Was Yuan Martial Arts School previously called Crane Something Martial Arts School?" Lu Yuan guessed as he looked at the photo.

Just then, a somewhat authoritative voice sounded from behind him.

"What are you doing here?"

Lu Yuan hurriedly turned around to see a man of medium build in his thirties standing expressionlessly about 10 meters away looking at him.

Lu Yuan recognized his identity at a glance.

It was the coach named Qin who had given him immense pressure the first day he sat in on a class at the martial arts school, and who coached Cheng Peng and the others.

It was also because Cheng Peng said this man had punched a 100 kilogram punching bag flying that ignited Lu Yuan's strong interest in learning martial arts.

"Coach Qin, hello."  

Lu Yuan raised the application form in his hand and explained, "I'm a student of Instructor Lin Zhiqin's class. I've come to get Instructor Lin's signature."


The man's expression softened a little. In a few steps he was in front of Lu Yuan.

"Sign what? Let me see."


Lu Yuan respectfully handed over the application, thinking to himself: So fast!

He didn't even see how the other party moved, but the distance of 10-some meters was crossed in an instant, as if he had "shrinking the earth to an inch" like described in novels!

Of course in reality it definitely wasn't that exaggerated. It was probably just because the other person had very high agility attributes or movement skill levels.

So this is the ability of a professional martial artist? 

Lu Yuan marveled to himself.

"Official disciple qualification exam application form?"

The man looked over the form, glanced at Lu Yuan, and casually asked, "How long have you been at the martial arts school?"

"One month and one week."

Lu Yuan honestly replied.

"Have you mastered the three fundamentals? Tested your punching power? How much is it?"

The man fired questions one after another.

Lu Yuan figured he was taking the chance to help screen him on Instructor Lin's behalf.

It was like if you get called to a teacher's office, but happen to run into your head teacher in the office. The head teacher would certainly seize the chance to grill you too - "What did you come for?" "Didn't hand in homework or ate in class?" "Passed that last test in my class, right?"

It was along those lines.

Lu Yuan very honestly answered: "Tested my punching power, it's over 100. I feel like my practice of the three fundamentals is decent, but I'll have to let Instructor Lin be the judge."


The man nodded, returned the application form to Lu Yuan, and casually pointed forward, "Walk straight ahead, second to last office. Instructor Lin should be in there, go on."

"Thank you, Coach Qin."

Lu Yuan politely bid the man farewell, then turned and headed straight in the direction he had pointed.

Only after two to three seconds did the feeling of being watched from behind gradually disappear.

When he arrived at the door of the office the man had indicated, Lu Yuan glanced back in the direction he had come from before knocking.

The man's figure was already long gone.

Looking closely, the old photo he had looked at also seemed to be missing, leaving an empty spot on the wall.

"Why did he take that photo?" 

Lu Yuan wondered to himself.

But he didn't think too much about it. Right now he should focus on taking care of his own business first.

He reached out and knocked on the door.

Instructor Lin Zhiqin's voice quickly sounded from inside.

"Come in."

Lu Yuan pushed open the door and entered.

He saw a not very big office.

Inside was just a desk, a coffee table, and a punching post in the corner.

There were some potted plants by the window, but they looked limp and with yellowing leaves, probably because they hadn't been watered in a long time.

Instructor Lin was currently sitting on the sofa in front of the office coffee table smoking, with an ashtray full of cigarette butts in front of him.

As Lu Yuan entered, he was just putting out a cigarette he had been smoking.  

"Who are you?"

Instructor Lin frowned at Lu Yuan.

"Lu Yuan, I'm Instructor Lin's student."

Lu Yuan realized that Instructor Lin really was unreliable.  

He was after all one of the outstanding students in the class, yet Instructor Lin didn't have any impression of him at all.  

Let alone the other students.

No wonder the lessons kept getting more perfunctory. Those who signed up for Instructor Lin's class could really be considered unlucky.

If not for his Profession Panel and his own efforts, the 10,000 yuan tuition his dad Lu Xinghua paid would have likely gone down the drain long ago.

"Lu Yuan...oh, now I remember." 

Instructor Lin's face took on a look of "sudden realization", though it was hard to say if he really remembered or not.  

He picked up the cigarette box on the coffee table, took out a cigarette and lit it up again, while asking Lu Yuan, "What did you come to see me for?"

"I want to apply for the official disciple qualification exam, so I specially came to get Instructor Lin's signature," Lu Yuan said, handing over the application form.

But Instructor Lin didn't even glance at it. His indifferent eyes looked Lu Yuan up and down through the slowly dispersing cigarette smoke.

"If I'm not mistaken, you've only been in the class for a month?

And previously you didn't have any foundation at all, right?"

"That's right," Lu Yuan nodded, meeting Instructor Lin's gaze straight on, and said seriously, "But my punching power has already broken through 100 kg, and I feel like my practice of the three fundamentals is pretty good too."


Hearing this, Instructor Lin couldn't help but laugh.

"You're saying your punching power exceeded 100 kg?"

"Yes. I just tested downstairs before coming to find you, Instructor."

"Then come hit me."

Cigarette in hand, Instructor Lin stood up from behind the coffee table with an amused look.  

He walked up to Lu Yuan and waved him over, "Go ahead and punch me, let me experience your punching power.

Don't worry, go ahead and strike with all your might, you don't need to hold back."


The sharp sound of a fist tearing through the air.

Before Instructor Lin could even finish speaking, Lu Yuan's fist was already fiercely punching toward his face.

"Be careful, Instructor."

Lu Yuan's warning came out after he had already thrown the punch.

Beneath the eager look on his face, he had struck with true viciousness.

His dad Lu Xinghua had squeezed out 10,000 yuan for him to take these classes when the family was in such dire straits.

Yet this Instructor Lin was late or left early for class every day, or just didn't show up at all! 

Out of the 10 classes so far, counting the time, at least 6 were free practice sessions with no instruction!

Hit you?

I'm here to beat you up!


A soft muffled sound.  

Lu Yuan's fist was steadily grabbed by Instructor Lin's right hand, though his body also took half a step back.

By now, the smile had completely vanished from Instructor Lin's face, replaced by deep astonishment.  

He stared blankly at Lu Yuan.

His gaze was as if from this moment, he was truly seeing Lu Yuan for the first time.

"Sorry Instructor, I didn't hurt you did I?"

Lu Yuan lightly withdrew his fist from Instructor Lin's hand and scratched his head apologetically.

"No, of course you can't hurt me."   

Instructor Lin snapped out of his shock.

He murmured a couple sentences.

Suddenly, he fiercely flung away the cigarette he had been holding, eyes shining as he stared fixedly at Lu Yuan.

That expression was like he had accidentally brushed away some gravel, only to uncover a shiny, glittering diamond beneath!


Show me the three fundamentals I taught in class!"  

Instructor Lin urged Lu Yuan impatiently.