Saturday, December 30, 2023 @

Spirit Realm Walker | Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - The Gift

Songhai City.

At 7:30 in the morning, in a dimly lit room on a soft, large bed, Zhang Yuanqing suddenly awoke with a start, clutching his head, his body curled like a shrimp.

His head throbbed as if it were splitting open, needles seemingly embedded in his brain causing his scalp to twitch and leading to auditory and visual hallucinations---his mind was a chaos of random images and his ears filled with a meaningless cacophony of noise.

Zhang Yuanqing knew his old ailment had returned.

He shakily crawled out of bed, pulled open the drawer of his nightstand, and with trembling hands, found the medicine bottle. Desperate, he unscrewed the cap and hastily swallowed five or six blue pills.

Then, he threw himself back onto the bed, breathing heavily, enduring the intense pain.

A few seconds later, the soul-tearing headache subsided and eventually faded.

"Phew," Zhang Yuanqing sighed in relief, his forehead covered in cold sweat.

He had contracted a strange illness in high school. The symptoms were uncontrollable recollections of all past memories---including forgotten trivial information---and indiscriminate gathering and analysis of external information. His brain's control over his body reached an incredible level.

Fortunately, this state couldn't last too long; it would be interrupted as his body couldn't bear the strain.

It was because of this ability that he had breezed into Songhai University---a prestigious institution ranked among the top in the country.

Zhang Yuanqing referred to this state as brain overload. He thought he might be evolving into a superhero, but the evolution was frequently interrupted because his body couldn't sustain it.

When he shared this speculation with his doctor, the doctor was baffled but impressed and suggested he visit the psychiatric department downstairs.

Ultimately, the hospital couldn't determine the cause of his illness. Later, his mother brought him a special medication from abroad, which finally brought his condition under control. As long as he took his medicine regularly, the episodes wouldn't occur.

"It must be because I didn't rest well last night, too tired. All Jiang Yuer's fault for insisting on playing video games in my room in the middle of the night."

Although he said this, his heart was heavy because Zhang Yuanqing knew the effectiveness of the medicine was waning, and his condition was getting worse.

"Looks like I'll have to increase the dosage." Zhang Yuanqing slipped into his cotton slippers and walked to the window, briskly pulling the curtains apart.

Sunlight flooded in, eager to fill the room.

April in Songhai City was bright and sunny, the morning breeze cool and refreshing.

"Knock, knock!"

Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Grandma's voice called from outside:

" Yuanqing, time to get up."

"I'm not getting up!" Zhang Yuanqing rejected the idea coldly; he wanted to sleep in.

The weather was splendid, and it was the weekend---what a waste of life it would be not to indulge in a lazy morning.

"I'm giving you three minutes. If you're not up, I'll pour water on you."

Grandma was even more merciless.

"Alright, alright," Zhang Yuanqing immediately gave in.

He knew his hot-tempered Grandma would indeed do such a thing.

Zhang Yuanqing's father had died in a car accident when he was still in elementary school. His strong-willed mother never remarried and brought her son back to settle in Songhai City, entrusting him to the care of Grandma and Grandpa.

She then plunged herself into her career, becoming a successful woman highly praised by relatives.

Later, his mother bought her own place, but Zhang Yuanqing preferred not to stay in the empty, spacious flat, choosing to live with his grandparents instead.

After all, his mother was always out early and back late, frequently traveling for work, focused solely on her career. Even on weekends when she wasn't working overtime, meals were just takeout orders.

The thing she said most to her son was, "Do you have enough money? If not, tell Mom." Having a powerful mother who could satisfy all your financial needs sounded great.

But Zhang Yuanqing always responded to his mother with a smile, saying that the pocket money from Grandma and his aunt was enough.

Ah, and his younger aunt as well.

The woman who had insisted on playing video games in his room last night was indeed his younger aunt.

Zhang Yuanqing stifled a yawn, twisted the bedroom doorknob, and stepped into the living room.

The apartment at Grandma's place, including the shared area, measured up to 150 square meters. Yuanqing remembered that when they sold the old house to buy this new one, the price per square meter was over 40,000 Yuan.

Six or seven years had passed, and now the price per square meter in this neighborhood had soared to 110,000 Yuan, nearly doubling.

Thankfully, Grandpa had the foresight back then. If they had kept the old house, Yuanqing would have had to sleep in the living room by now, especially since he had grown up and could no longer share a bed with his younger aunt.

At the long dining table on the side of the living room, the cause of his headache, Jiang Yuer, was 'gulping' down her porridge, her pink slippers dangling playfully under the table.

Her features were delicate and beautiful, and her round, plump face looked particularly sweet, with a tear mole at the corner of her right eye.

Just out of bed, her fluffy, tousled waves hung loose, adding a touch of languid charm.

His younger aunt, Jiang Yuer, was four years his senior.

Upon seeing Zhang Yuanqing emerge, she licked the porridge from the corner of her mouth in surprise and said:

"Wow, up so early? That's not like you."

"It's your mom's doing."

"Why are you cursing?"

"I'm just telling it like it is."

Yuanqing took in his aunt's youthful, radiant beauty, feeling invigorated and captivated.

They say the night won't shortchange those who stay up late; it gifts you with dark circles. But this law seemed to fail with the woman before him.

Grandma, hearing the commotion from the kitchen, peeked out, and after a moment, came out with a bowl of porridge.

Her hair, interwoven with strands of silver, framed her sharp eyes, revealing her as a lady with quite the temper.

Though her sagging skin and light wrinkles had stolen her youthful grace, one could still discern she had been quite attractive in her younger days.

Yuanqing took the bowl of porridge from Grandma, gulped down a mouthful, and asked:

"Where's Grandpa?"

"He's out for a walk," Grandma replied.

Grandpa, a retired detective, kept a strict schedule even in his old age, always asleep by ten at night and awake by six in the morning.

His pretty aunt, sipping her porridge, cheerfully said:

"After breakfast, I'll take you shopping for clothes."

Are you really that generous? Yuanqing was about to accept when Grandma, with a deadly glare, cut him off:

"If you dare go, I'll break your legs."

"Mom, why are you like this?" His aunt protested with a pout, "I just want to buy Yuanqing a few pieces for the spring. Aren't you happy about it? Despite the 'nephew' in his title, he's still family~"

Grandma was unyielding, "You want your legs broken too?"

The aunt pursed her lips and lowered her head to her porridge.

Hearing the mother-daughter exchange, Yuanqing knew Grandma must have arranged another blind date for his aunt, and the whimsical aunt probably wanted to drag him along to stir up trouble.

It had always been like this: taking the nephew to blind dates, sitting for a few minutes, and the socially adept nephew would win over the date. The two men would hit it off, discussing everything from daily life to global affairs, leaving her out of the conversation.

All she had to do was sip her drink and play with her phone. The blind date would feel proud, having shown enough worldly experience and wisdom in front of a beautiful woman, and would leave with a good impression of himself.

Jiang Yuer had been cute and delicate since childhood, the kind who was praised by neighbors. With high attractiveness, sweet and well-behaved, she was very popular with the elders.

Such a beautiful girl, of course, Grandma was fiercely protective. She had warned her since middle school against early romance and going out with male classmates.

Her daughter didn't disappoint, graduating from college without having had a boyfriend. But once she hit the workforce, especially after turning 25 early this year, Grandma started to get restless.

She thought, I just didn't want you to date early, not to become a leftover woman. How many years of youth does a woman have?

So, she gathered her old friends and scoured the land for information on young talents, arranging blind dates for her daughter.

"Grandma, she's clearly not ready to date anyone. You can't force sweetness from a melon that refuses to ripen," Zhang Yuanqing said as he nibbled on a steamed bun, volunteering himself:

"Why don't you set me up on a blind date? I'm quite the sweet catch."

Grandma snapped, "You're still young, what's the hurry? Aren't there girls in college? Go find one yourself. Keep messing around and I'll give you a whooping."

Grandma was a Southern lady, but her temper was anything but gentle---it was fiery.

Even Zhang Yuanqing's mother, a strong career woman, didn't dare to talk back to Grandma.

I'm all grown up now, Zhang Yuanqing muttered to himself, having been a craftsman for several years.

After breakfast, under Grandma's insistent orders, my younger aunt went back to her room to change clothes and put on makeup for a blind date.

With light makeup, she looked even more radiant and beautiful.

Her fluffy round-neck knit sweater and long coat were paired with light-colored, slim-fit jeans, wrapping her long legs in a sleek and well-rounded fashion. The slim-fit jeans tucked into black Doc Martens.

Dressed in a simple forest-style that was neither flashy nor ostentatious, yet still exquisitely delicate.

My younger aunt gave me a knowing wink, grabbed her purse, and sashayed out the door:

"Mom, I'm off to the blind date."

Zhang Yuanqing returned to his room and leisurely changed into a black T-shirt, a windbreaker jacket, and running shoes.

A few minutes later, he opened his bedroom door.

Grandma was cleaning in the living room and paused to watch him as he emerged.

Mimicking my younger aunt's tone, Zhang Yuanqing said:

"Mom, I'm off to a blind date too."

"Get back here," Grandma threatened, brandishing the broom. "Take one step out of this door, and I'll break your legs."

"Alright!" Zhang Yuanqing quickly retreated back to his bedroom.

Sitting at his desk, he sent a message to his younger aunt:

"The general falls before the battle is won, leaving the hero in tears."

"Speak plainly!"

She must have been driving, her reply brief and to the point.

"Grandma's got me trapped at home. You'll have to go on your blind date alone."

His younger aunt sent back a voice message.

Zhang Yuanqing played it, and Jiang Yuer's irritated voice came through the speaker:

"What use are you!!"

She withdrew a message and then sent another voice message, this time in a coquettish tone:

"My dearest nephew, come quick, your auntie loves you the most, Mua~"

Ah, women!

A little cooing and cute acts and she thinks I'll brave Grandma's wrath? At least send a red packet first.

Just then, a slightly jarring ringtone sounded. Zhang Yuanqing went to the living room and, under Grandma's watchful eye, pressed the intercom button:

"Who is it?"


The voice came through the speaker.

Zhang Yuanqing pressed the door opener, and a couple of minutes later, a uniformed delivery guy came up the elevator, holding a package:

"Are you Zhang Yuanqing?"

"That's me."

I didn't order anything online, he thought, puzzled as he signed for the package. There was no sender's name, but the address was from Hang City in the neighboring Jiangnan Province.

He returned to his room, pulled a letter opener from the desk drawer, and unwrapped the package.

Inside, cushioned by bubble wrap, was a black card and a yellowed letter.

Zhang Yuanqing picked up the card, the size of an ID, seemingly metallic yet exceptionally smooth to the touch. The card was beautifully made, with light silver cloud patterns on the edges and a black full moon in the center.

The Black Full Moon was delicately stamped, with its irregular surface patches clearly visible.

What's this? With a feeling of curiosity, he opened the envelope and unfolded the letter.

"Yuanqing, I've come across something very interesting. I thought it would change my life, but my abilities were limited, I couldn't harness it. I believe, however, that you might not have this problem.

"Brothers in arms, this is my gift to you.

"Lei Yibing!"

T/N: Hi everyone! I'm picking up a new novel since I had just finished translating another novel. Release Rate will be 1ch/day. Hope you enjoy. Also let me know in the comments below or in my discord server to let me know your thoughts or to recommend me any novels to potentially pick up.