Friday, December 1, 2023 @

Sorcerer’s Handbook | Chapter 43

Chapter 43 - So This is Bond

Human wisdom is limited, but truth is boundless. 

In this world where knowledge can summon spirits and spirits can create miracles, the pursuit of knowledge is almost ingrained in the souls of mages. But when mages eagerly seek knowledge, they are blocked by a chasm - learning efficiency.

No matter the race or level, all mages learn the same way - by memorizing, understanding, and mastering. Different races of mages have their own advantages - the Agile Elves are good at memorizing, the Spiritual Elves are good at understanding, the Intuitive Beastmen are good at mastering. Though unequal, all races can become mages. 

However, upon entering the virtual world, mages find their racial advantages laughable before the immeasurable ocean of knowledge.

No matter how gifted they are, their knowledge acquisition efficiency is like drinking from the sea of knowledge through a straw - the only difference is the straw's thickness.

Mages have tried many solutions, like miracles for 'photographic memory,' 'accelerated thinking,' and 'intuitive learning' to increase efficiency. Or extending their lifespan to compensate for the inefficiency.

The ever-growing pursuit of knowledge and the lagging learning efficiency is an unsolvable contradiction mages face. 

But the virtual world has prepared a solution for mages.

"This is a Light sphere experience orb," Sonya said softly, holding a pellucid orb, as if afraid to hurt it with loud noise, "Just by absorbing it, even someone clueless about Light spheres can instantly obtain Light knowledge at a Silver level and become a Light specialist."

"Back in reality, with some research and organizing, one can even summon Light spirits based on the knowledge - because it provides not just 'virtual' knowledge, but 'real' experience - the experience of the Fox Dragon." 

"While spirits are worthless, experience orbs are truly priceless." 

Sonya looked at the orb with endless fascination, "Even the poorest mage would not sell experience orbs, and even the most generous mage would covet them. Though orbs can be taken out of the virtual world, almost no mage does so - the moment they obtain one, they absorb it."

Nearly every legendary mage has absorbed numerous experience orbs. It is because of the orbs that mages can master various spheres of knowledge at once, innovating miracles, summoning new spirits, even founding new spheres.

The progress of mage civilization owes greatly to the experience orbs.

Ashe understood the wonder of the orbs, but not Sonya's excitement.

"You make the orb sound so precious, but didn't we obtain it easily?"

Sonya took a deep breath, mentally chanting 'the Observer is an idiot loudspeaker' three times to calm herself before explaining patiently: "Indeed, experience orbs are theoretically not rare - any knowledge creature has a chance to drop them when defeated."

"But not to mention knowledge creatures often have the power to defeat mages of the same level, let's assume you find a beatable one - often what happens is - right when you almost defeat the creature, it escapes."

"They can escape?"

"They are living beings, of course they have self-preservation instincts, how can they not try to escape?" Sonya retorted, "Can knowledge creatures that can birth spirits be so stupid as to lack common sense?"

Ashe felt the swordswoman was somehow insulting him, but he had no evidence, "Then wouldn't the mage lose out?"

"Not necessarily. Knowing self-preservation, creatures deliberately drop spirits to distract the mage when escaping. As long as the mage defeats the creature, they at least get a spirit."  

"That's good then, at least they don't lose out."

"Sometimes winning is more heartbreaking - if the mage kills the creature, the experience orb may also be destroyed."


"The orbs don't form after the creature's death, they already exist inside the creature," Sonya explained, "Due to creatures vanishing upon death, no one knows where exactly orbs generate - it's different even for each creature."

"If the mage accidentally attacks the wrong spot, the orb is very likely destroyed."

"Not getting an orb after killing a creature is common for mages. They can't know if the creature simply didn't have an orb, or if they destroyed it by mistake."

"Now you understand why getting this orb is so fortunate," Sonya looked where the Fox Dragon had vanished, "If the Fox Dragon hadn't fallen asleep, if we didn't focus our attacks on its head, if the orb happened to be in its head, if the dragon had the strength to fight back...any one 'if' could have easily prevented us from obtaining the orb."

Speaking of which, Sonya looked at the Observer in awe - his earlier lingering was undoubtedly to wait for the dragon's slumber, such an unheard-of despicable tactic was just...too amazing!


Ashe nodded, eyes fixed on the experience orb.

Sonya gripped the orb tightly, body trembling slightly. But soon, she let out a breath and handed the orb to Ashe: "Here."

"You're willing to give it to me?"

"Aren't you in grave danger and urgently need strength?" 

Sonya feigned nonchalance, "I'm in no hurry. Take this orb. Don't fight me for sword orbs next time."


Ashe reached to take the orb but couldn't hold it.

"Let go of it!"

"I am, but my fingers won't listen!"

Ashe had to pry her fingers open one by one and take the orb from Sonya's reluctant gaze.  

With a warm current flowing into his palm, a light screen popped up:

"Light Sphere Orb"

"The essence of truth left by the Fox Dragon, containing privileged knowledge an ordinary mage cannot obtain through normal means. Absorbing it grants copious Light sphere experience."

"'Moonlight is the prancing fox, the fox is the walking moonlight.'"

The moment he touched the orb, Ashe also felt a throb in his mind, an indescribable thirst spreading from deep within to his whole body. It was Ashe's first time having this sensation - an intense thirst for knowledge that actually affected his rationality.

It was an ineffable experience, more compelling than the urge when a novel reaches a critical point and suddenly stops updating, more anxious than seeking answers but finding half the exam paper missing, more exciting than an alluring picture loading to a key part then abruptly freezing - as if every pore and wrinkle of his body was urging Ashe to absorb the orb.

In this moment, the prison, danger, survival were all flung a thousand miles away. Knowledge became Ashe's sole desire.

Just as Ashe couldn't help but absorb the orb, a flash of wisdom shone from his rationality - 

Wait, I smell residual value.

Ashe examined the orb's description carefully. It undoubtedly said "absorbing grants copious Light sphere experience," which means...

"You absorb it, swordswoman."

Seeing the orb tossed over, the deft Sonya became flustered for once, carefully catching the Light orb. She looked at Ashe both angry and shocked.

"Could your Light sphere level already be Silver or above?"

"No, I don't know anything about the Light sphere."

"I see, the Light sphere conflicts with other spheres you've grasped? Like the Abyssal sphere..."

"No no, I don't know anything, as you well know."

"Why don't you absorb the orb then?"

"Because we have a bond," Ashe said matter-of-factly. "You getting stronger means I get stronger."

It wasn't Sonya's first time hearing the Observer tell her 'we have a bond.' But before, she had thought it another cultured way of threatening - I can control you. Only now did she sigh: So this is what a bond is.

As for the Observer saying 'you getting stronger means I get stronger', Sonya took it as lip service, similar to 'only when you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good, then it's truly good.'

Without hesitation, Sonya crushed the experience orb. She trembled slightly, cheeks flushing, sighing melodiously. 

Though the scene was alluring, Ashe currently had no time to enjoy it, as he was in a similar state as Sonya.

More than 'absorbing knowledge', it felt like 'memories flooding into his mind'.

Like seeing a difficult math problem then suddenly recalling what the teacher taught, Ashe naturally and seamlessly grasped ample related knowledge. From a newbie clueless about the Light sphere, he leaped to become a Light sphere specialist.

Indeed effective!

30% of the Light sphere experience Sonya absorbed from the orb is shared with Ashe!

This is why Ashe let Sonya take the orb - if he absorbed it himself, it would be 100% gains, but letting Sonya absorb it resulted in 130% gains!

Moreover, as long as Sonya continues improving her Light sphere mastery, Ashe would obtain endless lasting benefits. Wouldn't that generate far more residual value than his eating it alone?

Thus Ashe was not blinded by the orb's allure - the orb was but a tool, like a hoe, however cool this hoe, it should go to someone who can till fields to fully utilize it. Ashe this untalented one should just wait to eat rice. 

As Sonya gradually emerged from the residual euphoria of being filled with knowledge, she looked at Ashe with pure gratitude: "Thank you!"

"Don't let me down then. Be sure to thoroughly research the Light sphere knowledge, and don't fall behind on your swordwork!"
