Friday, December 29, 2023 @

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized | Chapter 61

Chapter 61 - Ablaze

The old immortals had never witnessed such a lively scene in the upper realm before. They craned their necks, eager for a glimpse of the godly drama of a deity coddling his wife. Alas, the celestial palace doors were closed tight, so they couldn't catch even a glimpse, let alone the playful teasing -- not even a rabbit's fur was visible.


The flair of the chief immortal consort was rather intense.

On her first day among the immortals, she stormed into the Sunken Water Cave, nearly swallowing her "love rival" whole. The Matchmaker God strolled over nonchalantly, frowning at the withered Qingyao grass on the ground, heart utterly despondent, and sighed softly: "Why did you provoke her?"

Times have changed, and now, she has a powerful rabbit backing her up.

Rabbits eating grass is a natural cycle. Fairy Qingyao recklessly entered Wenqu's mortal tribulations. Now that they've reached their destined culmination, the consequential forces rebound on this blade of grass, aligning with the natural cycle.

He was about to leave when Fairy Qingyao stubbornly lifted her head, her face pale: "Matchmaker God, save me..."

The Palace of Wenqu.

Setting aside the turmoil outside, the celestial palace doors closed. The celestial attendants finished their tasks and tactfully withdrew. Cui Ti remained in her giant rabbit form, as if staying that way would grant her more "intimidation" for a little longer.

Pei Xuan indulged her, his eyes revealing the adoration one has for a beloved when looking at a rabbit.

Her gaze was too intense, causing Cui Ti to feel both embarrassed and annoyed -- embarrassed by her unabashed scrutiny, and annoyed that it took her eight lifetimes to finally win this beautiful rabbit over.

So foolish!

Both were equally naive, dilly-dallying in their romantic exchanges. Cui Ti flicked her fluffy, short rabbit tail, unaware of the gleam in the god's eyes behind her.

Eyes Ablaze.

A field of peach blossoms bloomed intensely.

Dou Qingyue in the mortal realm was akin to an immortal grass in the upper realm, growing next to the Ink Wash Pond of Wenqu's Palace. Seeing the celestial lord daily, she was purified by his aura and harbored an infatuation.

Watching Wenqu's secret adoration for the rabbit spirit span lifetimes, she sneaked down to the Wheel of Reincarnation, reincarnating into the Dou family to become Pei Xuan's cousin.

That was the seventh life of Cui Ti and Pei Xuan.

They were meant to achieve their destined culmination and fly together.

But envy consumed Dou Qingyue. She murdered Cui Ti, then known as the "cousin-in-law", drowning her in a lotus pond. Sadly, Dou Qingyue coveted her "cousin" Pei Xuan.

Their union took eight lifetimes to complete.

Upon realization, Cui Ti's mind became clear, recalling all past events.

The giant rabbit, with its short legs, approached the Ink Wash Pond. Her long ears twitched, front paws lifted high. Before Pei Xuan could warn her, the rabbit's paws mercilessly ruined the pond. As the name suggests, the Ink Wash Pond was for Wenqu to clean his writing utensils. The dark water concealed the essence of literature and the charm of immortals. Now it splashed everywhere, staining the white fluffy rabbit.


Pei Xuan's heart tightened: "Ti Ti?!"

Cui Ti turned her head, her rabbit face revealing complexity.

Destroying the Ink Wash Pond, the snow-white rabbit now bore patches of black. Bright red rabbit eyes circled, outshining all the rubies in both heaven and earth.

She was...

Too adorable.

Wenqu suppressed his excitement, his fists clenched. His radiant robes hinted at the joy within.

The giant rabbit paused, thinking: Committing a folly is a rabbit's doing, what does it have to do with "Ti Ti"?

Feeling justified, she glared angrily at Pei Xuan: "It's all your fault."

"Blame me, blame me..."

Pei Xuan smiled, caressing her beautiful long ears which felt soft and lovely, causing the embarrassed rabbit spirit to stomp.

"Stop stomping," Wenqu gently chided, holding back laughter, "The jade tiles of the palace might shatter."


The rabbit paused, then leaned over, taking a nibble on Pei Xuan's shoulder.

Hidden fairy children wiped away their bitter tears, seeing their lord finally flirt after eight mortal lifetimes. The flirty Pei Xuan held the rabbit's chubby paw: "Shall we wash in the Qingying Pond first?"

The Qingying Pond, where Wenqu bathed, was exceptionally pure and filled with a misty immortal aura.

To accommodate both, was indeed luxurious.

Cui Ti was grateful for her rabbit form. Being in her original shape, she felt more liberated. With her face covered in delicate white fur, she wasn't worried about anyone seeing her blush. She confidently intertwined her little finger with the celestial lord's as they stepped into the water.

The touch made Pei Xuan's heart flutter.

In this very celestial palace, countless eons ago, she impulsively peered into the mortal realm through the Heavenly Mirror. A pristine white rabbit caught her gaze.

The white rabbit sat curled on the ground. With a blink, it transformed into a human, with moist, slightly reddened eyes and a bare, picturesque body. As the pale ankles brushed against the low shrubs, she looked over with innocent eyes, wondering, "Who's watching me?"

Through the mirror, their gazes met. One in the shadows, the other in the light. Pei Xuan felt the faint beat of her heart, planting a seed of affection which gradually sprouted and grew into an unignorable towering tree.

A silent affection began.

She watched her through the mirror for eight hundred years.

Too reserved to utter a word.

Every glimpse of her took Pei Xuan's breath away, sometimes making her hold it entirely.

Such feelings were unprecedented for Wenqu.

She watched as the innocent girl grew into the dominant rabbit of Qiong Mountain. She observed her injuries and her descent to the mortal realm.

The rabbit spirit tugged at her robes, crying out in pain. Her moist eyes turned reddish yet sparkled. Without any rhyme or reason, Pei Xuan stepped into the trials of the mortal world.

Her trials came much later than other celestial lords.

But they were fierce.

The rabbit's lips gently brushed against hers. Pei Xuan snapped back from her memories, her fair face gradually blushing, her black hair casually draped over her jade-like shoulders. Cui Ti, with a single thought, began to remove her robes.

The water-soaked clothes revealed a perfect silhouette, partly concealed, reminiscent of their wedding night.

Cui Ti's heart trembled, but she was far from gentle.

On the first day back in her exalted position, the celestial lord found herself flustered and embarrassed, all because of a rabbit.

The rabbit spirit giggled softly in her embrace, her laughter melodic. Pei Xuan's eyes were gentle, and the fleeting awkwardness vanished. He felt that everything was just perfect. Her flustered demeanor made him laugh even more. It truly couldn't get any better.

He loved the human version of her, and equally adored her when she took the form of a mischievous rabbit refusing to show her human shape.

His heart felt warm.

It felt as if after years of wandering and facing countless hardships, he had finally found his true home.

"Xing Guang, why do you blush so easily?"

Her voice was soft and mellow, like licking a candy. Pei Xing Guang was deeply smitten when she called him "Xing Guang". Only when his name was uttered from her lips did it sound so fitting.

His heart fluttered like a stream, and sometimes like boiling water -- always flowing, always bubbling.

She embraced the rabbit spirit, its body soft and chubby, and whispered tenderly, "my wife."

Through numerous reincarnations, they had finally found completeness. She whispered even more closely, "my wife, my dear wife..."

The passionate emotions hit him directly. Only then did Cui Ti realize she felt a little overwhelmed.

The rabbit melted into water, and from it emerged a woman with bright eyes, white teeth, and a face glowing like the dawn.

She was smitten.

Unable to maintain her rabbit form any longer, she revealed her delicate and graceful human figure in front of him. Realizing this, Cui Ti exclaimed and hid her face in Pei Xuan's neck, only letting him see the elegant curve of her back.

And the subtle indentation of her waist.

The depths in Pei Xuan's eyes grew darker. The hand on her waist tightened slowly. Cui Ti did not resist, murmuring softly. Her breath touched Wenqu's sensitive skin, stirring a shiver that others wouldn't know.

His hand caressed her back, and a wave of emotion made the little rabbit spirit inexplicably want to cry.

A tear rolled down.

It traced a path over the Lord's beautifully straight clavicle.

She lowered her head.

Just as the tearful beauty looked up,

Their eyes met, and Cui Ti couldn't help but hold her tighter, yearning to be with her forever, never to be separated again.

The brazen rabbit spirit was nowhere to be found, leaving behind the "Lady Pei" who couldn't resist being teased. Pei Xuan adored them both.

Glimmering waves reflected the serene beauty of the pond.

On the third day after Wenqu returned to her place and the rabbit spirit achieved immortality, the celestial Qingyao, having regressed greatly in her cultivation, was directed by the Matchmaker Deity to descend to the mortal world to experience her "unattainable tribulation."

Eight cycles of reincarnation, always seeking but never attaining.

Upon receiving the decree at the Wenqu Celestial Palace, Pei Xuan remained reticent, presenting the document to his wife who had just awakened.

Cui Ti, with sleepy eyes, managed to sit up. Her lotus-like quilt slipped, revealing her pale shoulders. Oblivious to how alluring she looked, her voice raspy, she said, "Let her go then."

The scolding had been done.

Her anger had subsided.

Interfering in another's mortal fate and offending the celestial deities should warrant a severe punishment, stripping of one's celestial essence.

But she had been taught a lesson upon her return.

In her mortal form, Qingyao had cost her a life. This debt of blood had been avenged by Xing Guang in the seventh cycle of reincarnation.

There was more to the rabbit than met the eye, she said softly, "I have no objections."

Pei Xuan leaned down to kiss her forehead, "Would you like to rest a bit more?"

Cui Ti felt an inexplicable fatigue.

Although she had been Lady Pei in the mortal world for over a decade, she had never felt so drained from just a night's rest.

Watching her rest, Pei Xuan stayed by her bedside, deeply regretting his recklessness from the previous day. Upon exiting the room, he suddenly recalled the Matchmaker mentioning good fortune approaching her. He tried to divine its meaning but to no avail.

Even being among the highest celestial beings, predicting one's own fate was subject to the will of the heavens.

She didn't press it.

After approving the decree for Qingyao's descent to the mortal realm, she stood alone at the edge of the cloud bridge, gazing at the magnificent spectacle of the cascading Milky Way.

"Deity! It's bad! The lady...!" An immortal child named Wendao rushed over.

Pei Xuan felt a jolt in his heart, and in the next moment, he dashed into the palace gate.

"Greetings, Celestial Lord!"

The celestial servants greeted her.

They hadn't expected her to return so swiftly.

"How is my wife?"

"Just moments ago, she complained of abdominal pain..."

Abdominal pain?

As he pushed aside the pearl curtain and stepped into the inner chamber, he was met with the sight of a snow-white rabbit on the bed, having reverted to her original form. Startled, he exclaimed, "My wife?"

Cui Ti was in such pain that large beads of sweat dampened her pristine fur. Not wanting Xing Guang to see her in this state, she kicked out with her rabbit leg. Misjudging her strength, she sent Pei Xuan staggering back two steps, her gaze bewildered, "You..."

How embarrassing.

The rabbit spirit covered her face with her front paws.

The next moment, a more intense pain struck, feeling as though her abdomen was being twisted by a knife.

Pei Xuan didn't dare to be negligent. He stepped forward to inspect, channeling divine power through his palm, placing it on Cui Ti's fluffy belly.

The pain subsided, but it was soon replaced by an unbearable feeling of fullness, as if she had overeaten.

Someone from the Wenqu Palace arrived; a celestial doctor hurriedly made his way with his medicine box.

As soon as one foot crossed the threshold, a peculiar force filled the vast celestial palace.

Could it be...

The divine power of Wenqu?

Pei Xuan, with a stern look, laid his palm on his wife's abdomen. The righteous and mighty divine power seeped continuously. Unable to withstand the pressure of his divine power, Cui Ti felt the urge to vomit.

Her lips slightly parted, and a bizarre scene unfolded.

A pure white orb of light hesitantly floated out from her mouth, hovering in the air. Under the threatening gaze of Wenqu, it descended.

Once the orb touched the ground, it rolled and revealed its form - a little rabbit.

Its eyes were red, and its ears drooped, looking timidly at its parents, the ones who gave it life.

It seemed on the verge of tears.