Thursday, December 28, 2023 @

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized | Chapter 60

Chapter 60 - Grand Finale

In the 23rd year of the Sheng Yuan era, the emperor of Da Zhao passed away, and Prime Minister Pei Rufeng was chosen to be the regent.

The emperor and his trusted minister had stood side by side for many years, setting an example of loyalty that the people often talked about. With the emperor's departure, Pei Rufeng was overwhelmed with sorrow, and strands of white appeared in his hair overnight.

The young crown prince, with the strong support of the Prime Minister, steadily ascended to the throne, placing immense trust in the Pei family.

Both 'father and son' of the Pei family held office at the same time. Pei Xuan's rank grew steadily each year. When Pei Rufeng feigned illness to retire, the young emperor would not accept his resignation, and instead, grew even closer to Pei Xuan.

As for Pei Xuan, he led a happy family life, full of harmony and prosperity. As a government official, he was dedicated and was deeply loved by the people. Such a man had little interest in power plays.

The year he was promoted to the rank of the third official grade, a cunning minister named Hou Zhu submitted a formal accusation. The accusation was rather amusing, claiming Pei Xuan was a ladies' man, causing many women in the society to be heartbroken. The rumor, repeated multiple times, brazenly painted Pei Xuan as a man of questionable morals.

Coincidentally, Pei Xuan was unwell that day. The young emperor looked around at his officials; while many spoke in defense of Pei Xuan, there were also those who watched coldly, ready to kick a man when he's down.

Song Zizhen rolled up his sleeves, engaging in a verbal duel with Hou Zhu for what felt like an eternity. Their argument turned the golden hall into a noisy marketplace. In the end, they came to blows, throwing decorum to the wind.

Zheng Wuji was the one leisurely breaking up the fight.

Hou Zhu, being a military man by background, was surprisingly restrained by a group of scholars who, by all accounts, were physically weak. The situation escalated to the point where the emperor became furious, throwing his inkstone in anger. Only then did the two parties begrudgingly back down, hurling final insults at each other.

Before the emperor, Song Zizhen acted like a hot-headed man, and Hou Zhu didn't fare any better. His already thinning hair was now nearly gone, seemingly pulled out by some mischief-makers.

While chaos reigned in the court, Pei Xuan was at home, coughing severely. His delicate constitution had been affected by a cold earlier in the year, and he had never fully recovered. Just a few days ago, he had stayed up late dealing with state affairs, much to the chagrin of Cui Ti, who frequently voiced her concerns.

His sickness laid bare the true nature of those around him.

Deep down, Pei Xuan knew the reason for the turmoil; his rising influence and integrity stood in the way of those who wished to exploit the common people for their gain.

Being inherently upright and proud, Pei Xuan would never compromise with the deceitful, which likely led to his current predicament.

Cui Ti sat by his bed, wiping the sweat from his brow, saying, "Your health is your own. Even if you don't care, think of me." Her eyes glistened, red-rimmed with concern. Seeing her like this, Pei Xuan gently caressed her face, joking, "What if I resign and stay with you day and night?"

"Resign? That would be wonderful."

She truly wished Pei Xuan would stay away from the messy politics. The court was like a fiery furnace; superficially dazzling but scorching those inside. With so many officials, every problem seemed to land on Pei Xuan's shoulders. While Pei Xuan cared for the world, Cui Ti only had room in her heart for him. If he wore himself out, who would compensate her?

She continued to grumble, "I wish you would listen to me."

Having been married for many years, Pei Xuan smiled cheekily, turning slightly red.

Seeing him smile, Cui Ti's anger dissipated. She began to feed him sweet soup, spoonful by spoonful.

She longed for the day he would lay down his burdens, wishing they could lead a free and happy life away from Xi Jing like her parents-in-law. But looking at the man sipping the soup delicately, she let go of that wishful thinking.

"Xing Guang, drink slowly."

Pei Xuan's lips glistened with soup. Hearing those words, his fair face unexpectedly turned a shade of red.

Seven years into their marriage, he was still so adorable. Cui Ti took the bowl of sweet soup, wrapped her arms around his neck, and chuckled.

After falling ill and witnessing the chaos at the court, Pei Xuan considered resigning. He wanted to travel the world with Cui Ti, exploring famous mountains and rivers, and savoring the beauty of life.

He made up his mind and petitioned the emperor for his resignation. The young emperor, alarmed, immediately ordered the gates of Xi Jing to be locked, prohibiting Pei Xuan from leaving.

Feeling affronted, Pei Xuan fell out with the emperor and feigned illness, avoiding court for seven consecutive days. All attempts at persuasion were fruitless.

Seizing the opportunity, the deceitful Hou Zhu and another corrupt official, Xiang Qin, spread slanderous rumors about Pei Xuan in the emperor's presence. The following day, an enraged Song Zizhen stormed into Pei's residence, condemning both Hou and Xiang as the vermin of the nation.

"Xing Guang, why aren't you anxious? I'm about to die of anxiety on your behalf!"

"I'm not anxious."

Pei Xuan coughed twice, "Please, sit."

Song Zizhen was puzzled, "You're too frail. Why hasn't your illness healed yet? If you ask me, you shouldn't even be holding this office. Putting up with all this nonsense! Ever since the old Prime Minister and all the senior ministers retired and went back to their hometowns, the court has changed its people. Our current emperor..."

"Zizhen, be careful with your words."

"Heh! I just feel frustrated! It's not just me. Zheng Wuji is also keeping his anger bottled up!"

He downed his cup of wine. Just as he was about to pour for his friend, he remembered that Cui Ti had forbidden him from encouraging Pei Xuan to drink. Embarrassedly, he withdrew his hand and instead grabbed the teapot, muttering, "Is the emperor playing some kind of game? Allowing treacherous officials to run wild without intervening? Does he think this is honoring the old Prime Minister? Or honoring the late emperor? Or honoring our years of study and dedication?"

He had been harboring resentment for a long time. Pei Xuan smiled as he sipped his tea, "Let's wait and see."

"see  what?"

"To see the late emperor's vision, and our own fate."

If the king can be assisted, she would assist. If not, she wouldn't serve in the position, cherishing her life instead, spending more time with her beloved Cui Ti.

Everyone has their own path in life.

With this 'see', one sees the sun rise and set, sees spring turns to summer.

Lingji Mountain set up a nine-zhang high platform for appointing the Prime Minister.

The civil officials were as excited as if they were celebrating a festival. Song Zizhen, dressed in his formal court attire, nudged Pei Xuan, "Xing Guang, it's your time to shine!"

In the seventh year of Fengping, Emperor Da Zhao personally assisted Pei Xuan onto the platform to be congratulated by all the ministers. The emperor executed two traitorous nobles, showcasing his wise and enlightened reign.



The winds stirred and the clouds surged. With such a great responsibility on his shoulders, Pei Xuan never managed to live the life of a free spirit.

In the same year and month, a decree was issued to elevate Cui Ti to a high-ranking position, firmly tying the Pei family to the imperial household.

Pei Xuan's life was like a meteor, brilliant but brief. During his decade-long tenure as Prime Minister, he initiated major canal projects, improved waterways, promoted literary examinations, and laid the foundation for Da Zhao's five hundred years of cultural prosperity.

People of his time had endless praise for Prime Minister Pei. Their only regret was that, though married, he left no heir.

In the seventeenth year of Fengping, in winter, 35-year-old Pei Xuan urgently sent two imperial edicts granting immunity from death to Ling City.

By the end of the year, Pei Xuan succumbed to illness, and his wife followed him in grief.

Thousands of miles away in Ling City, amidst heavy snowfall, Lady Pei woke up from a dream, "Xuan! Xuan?!"

The retired Prime Minister Pei also awakened from his sleep, tears streaming down his aged face, "My daughter... my daughter..."

Outside came a voice, "M'lord, M'lady, a message has arrived from Pei Xuan!"

Lady Pei immediately got out of bed.

There was a letter, expressing gratitude for years of parental love.

And two immunity edicts, ensuring the elder Peis' safety for the rest of their lives.

Pei Xuan's arrangements were impeccable. On the day of his death, the truth about their years of "childlessness" was revealed to the world.

"Xing Guang lived an upright life, but there was one thing he kept from all..."

It was a letter of self-condemnation.

And it detailed the deep bond he shared with his wife over the years.

Throughout the streets and alleys of Xi Jing, cries of grief resounded---"Prime Minister Pei!"

The common folk mourned him, while officials and royalty remembered him fondly.

Song Zizhen, with a few strands of white hair by his temples, sat kneeling in front of the memorial, crying unattractively with snot and tears: "Xing Guang, you really fooled us. You were a woman, and I mocked you daily for not being able to have children. Isn't this tricking me? I'm so devastated. You left us at such a young age. Who will Zheng Wuji and I drink with in the future? You've really left us in a mess."

"Xing Guang, don't listen to his nonsense. Nothing good ever comes out of Song Zizhen's mouth, so we won't bother with him. However, you being a woman and us addressing you as a brother for so many years, and we never suspected anything..."

Zheng Wuji wiped away his tears, choking up: "It's not like we never had our suspicions, but every time we did, you managed to deceive us. For a woman, you were exceptionally talented and could drink more than most men. Was it our poor judgment or were we just too naive to see the real you?"

"It was your poor judgment. Don't lump me in with you," Song Zizhen weepingly replied. "I've long suspected you weren't a man. What man looks like you? Initially, because of Prime Minister Xing's high status, no one dared to say anything. Later, when you took over Ling Ji Mountain as Prime Minister, even fewer dared to mention it. There were people who talked behind your back, and I even secretly fought someone over it. Tsk!"

Recalling the past, he felt a heavy heart: "The funniest thing was, I eagerly awaited the chance to become family with you..."


Bai Tang, dressed in mourning clothes, was also crying there.

Hao Zhong and Rao Liang cried so hard that after half an hour they couldn't stand anymore and collapsed.

On the day of the joint funeral for the daughter and daughter-in-law, Prime Minister Pei from far away in Ling City and Lady Pei rushed back. Upon seeing their daughter's gravestone, a heart-wrenching pain struck them. Suddenly, a sense of divine light nourished their hearts, and their grief faded in an instant.

"Let's not cry anymore. Xuan and Cui Ti have become immortals in heaven."

With tears in her eyes, Lady Pei and the old Prime Minister comforted each other.

The world was in chaos. Pei Xuan and Cui Ti were buried together on Phoenix Mountain. On the day of their burial, the phoenix trees at the foot of Phoenix Mountain suddenly blossomed, full of life, only to have their flowers bloom and wither in an instant.

Upon seeing this, the Emperor exclaimed, "Even the barren tree mourns the loss of a capable minister from Da Zhao. It also laments the deep love between Prime Minister Pei and his wife."

The cries of the people reached the heavens. In the upper realm, the celestial attendant guarding the Reincarnation Platform hurriedly welcomed the return of Wenqu.

Suddenly, a bright golden light emerged, and a woman ascended from it. With her black hair and a figure as exquisite as jade, who else could it be but Pei Xuan?

"Greetings, Divine Lord!"

In the celestial realm, both male and female immortals are addressed as "Immortal Lord." A rank above that is 'Divine Lord'. After eight lifetimes, Wenqu had fulfilled her mortal trials and her status was elevated even further.

Pei Xuan, now a Divine Lord, looked about 60% similar to her human self, but her demeanor was incomparable to her days on earth.

She indifferently nodded and asked, "Where is the immortal who returned with me? Where is she?"

The celestial attendant quickly checked the golden ledger, looking puzzled, "Strange, there should be only one returnee."

Pei Xuan frowned and was about to divine the answer when she saw a white light swiftly crossing the Reincarnation Platform. Her heart jolted, "My wife!?"

The rabbit immortal perked up her ears upon hearing this, but she had more pressing matters and ignored the words of the 'beloved Divine Lord'.

"Cui Ti!?"

How could Pei Xuan stand by and watch her leave?

With one chasing and the other running, the immortals by the Reincarnation Platform, not wishing to offend either, scratched their heads and pretended to admire the scenery.

Better not to get involved in the affairs of these high-ranking immortals.

It turns out that after Cui Ti's enlightenment and ascension, her first action in the celestial realm was to inquire about the whereabouts of Immortal Qingyao. From the old moon deity, she learned that the plant was imprisoned in the Sunken Water Cave as punishment. Without hesitation, she charged in.

Inside the Sunken Water Cave, continuous fierce winds and dark waters tormented Ning Hehuan. Her punishment grew more severe each day, leaving her with no mood for leisure.

Qin Jing teased Ning, but suddenly felt pity, "If you can't bear it, move closer to me."

Being a higher-ranking immortal, Qin Jing had more power. With her protection, Ning could suffer a bit less.

Ning Hehuan ignored her.

Qin Jing, feeling snubbed, said, "Serves you right!"

While the two flirted and quarreled, Immortal Qingyao, a plant, was tormented between them. Unable to maintain her form, she reverted to her original plant state, lying wiltedly.

Just as things seemed bleak, Cui Ti forcefully barged in!

The sight of the giant rabbit stunned Ning and Qin. Ning Hehuan stammered, "Rabbit...rabbit..."

Before she could finish, Cui Ti, who had just ascended and hadn't recognized anyone, grabbed the plant and dashed out!

"Hey! She...she...she..."

Qin Jing finished for her, "Yes, she took that plant and ran!"

Ning Hehuan's face depicted a world-ending expression, "She's betraying her fellow immortals. Isn't she afraid of being stripped of her immortal status?!"


She was so naive it was almost unbearable to watch. Master Qinzhen adjusted his sleeves and said, "What do you know? That rabbit is backed by powerful deities. It's not 'harming one's own kind,' it's just her nature. She's a naive celestial rabbit from the lower realms, with no one to teach her the ways. Ignorance is innocence. Besides, she won't be the one punished."

If this rabbit spirit has achieved immortality, then surely Wenqu, with his centuries of cultivation, should be elevated to the position of a god.

With her protection, isn't it only natural for a rabbit to eat grass?

She chuckled at Ning Hehuan's naivety. No wonder, after all these years, she was only recognized as a minor immortal.

Ning Hehuan touched her chin in contemplation, "With Wenqu back in his position, does that mean I can leave soon? After all, I did save his wife and helped him!"

She eagerly anticipated her departure from this place. Qin Jing wasn't pleased inwardly but said with a smile, "Indeed, congratulations."


Ning Hehuan, the minor immortal, coughed twice, "Well, I'm not in that much of a hurry to leave."


For once, she said something sensible. Qin Jing grinned, "What if Wenqu seeks revenge on me for harming the rabbit in the mortal realm, what would you do?"

"What can I do?" Ning Hehuan pondered, feeling uneasy, "He wouldn't kill you. When has Wenqu ever been so ruthless?"

Yet, deep down, she thought she must protect Qin Jing's life. They had been arch-enemies for so long. Without her nemesis, wouldn't life in the celestial realm be dull?

She waved her hand dismissively, "Put your mind at ease!"

Master Qinzhen was extremely pleased, and against the wild wind and cold rain, he walked over and gave her a kiss.


The depths of the underwater cave once again filled with noise and commotion.

Now, Cui Ti, revealing her true form, forcefully entered the cave and took away the Qingyao grass with her mouth. On her way back, she unexpectedly bumped into her 'long-lost' beloved, Pei Xuan. Her fluffy face showed no sign of blushing, so she simply used her rabbit tail to tease him.

Her entrance had alerted half of the immortals in the vicinity. Concerned that she might feel out of place since she was new, Pei Xuan, with his ethereal elegance emanating from his long robe, stood by her side, graciously accepting the congratulatory greetings from the other deities.

For the moment, no one dared to mention the rabbit fairy's violent act.

The Qingyao grass trembled in Cui Ti's mouth, her sharp rabbit teeth causing it pain. The grass silently cried out for help to Wenqu, but to its dismay, Pei Xuan's gaze was fixed solely on Cui Ti.

Feeling utterly dejected, its leaves began to wither, its state of mind damaged, causing a regression in its cultivation.

Realizing the grass was too sensitive, Cui Ti spat out the unfortunate plant, venting out her frustrations that had built up in the cycle of reincarnation. Only then did she find Pei Xuan more agreeable to her eyes.

"Divine Lord?"

Tilting her large rabbit head, she grinned at Pei Xuan.

Pei Xuan, with eyes filled with affection, folded his hands in greeting, "Congratulations on your accomplishments, beautiful fairy."

"Beautiful fairy?" Cui Ti, with twinkling eyes, chuckled, "Why don't you call me 'Ti Ti' anymore?"

"My wife."

"Why must you always be contrary? Call me Ti Ti, not my wife."

Pei Xuan gently caressed her rabbit ear, "Ti Ti."

Her ears turned red as Cui Ti struggled to decide whether being called "my wife" was more intimate or if "Ti Ti" sounded sweeter. Annoyed, she swiped at his mischievous hand, "Centuries ago, you lied to me, claiming you were a mere mortal. Damn you, Pei Xing Guang!"


No matter when you tally up the debts of love, the two of them were inseparable and deeply enamored. This made the surrounding elder immortals feel a pang of envy, their teeth almost rotting from the sweetness.

Oh dear, the celestial realm is bound to be lively from now on!