Wednesday, December 27, 2023 @

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized | Chapter 59

Chapter 59 - Snow-filled Thoughts

The maids gathered together, chattering away. Bai Tang laughed so hard that her features were all over the place. She insisted on adding a short rabbit tail to Cui Ti. Hao Zhong admonished her from the side, while Rao Liang couldn't resist and gave her a playful slap on the shoulder. The atmosphere in the room was harmonious.

Cui Ti touched her fake rabbit ears, her eyes curving in amusement. "Talking nonsense, aren't you? Should I punish you?"

Having served Cui Ti for a long time, Bai Tang relied on the sisterly bond that was even stronger than blood. She wasn't really afraid of Cui Ti. She feigned fright, covering her head and pretending to flee in a panic, playfully crying, "Oh no, oh no! Where's my hat? Where are my rabbit ears?"

Hao Zhong and Rao Liang burst into giggles, and Cui Ti's cheeks flushed.

This peculiar hobby of hers came out of nowhere. She didn't dare let outsiders know, lest there be idle gossip like "Lady Pei, the young wife, has a rabbit fetish; a perfectly normal lady wanting an extra pair of ears."

Such talk was unflattering, and it wouldn't be good for the reputation of the Pei family.

So, she indulged in this fun secretly within her room. Her maids, all of kind and loyal nature, touched her heart with their understanding. She even bought them rabbit-themed outfits to wear in private.

Everyone in the room laughed and played, none noticing Pei Xuan standing outside, concealed by the beaded curtain.

The curtain obscured his vision. Lifting the curtain, what he saw left him stunned on the spot!

Rabbit... a rabbit girl?

Long rabbit ears, snow-white rabbit outfit; except for a missing short tail, she looked remarkably like the rabbit sprites from a thousand years ago.

Pei Xuan's eyes moistened slightly, his heart stirred. He couldn't help but wonder: Is my wife remembering something from the past?

Her emotions surged, but suddenly Hao Zhong cried out in surprise, "M'lord?!"

The room immediately plunged into chaos.

Bai Tang frantically tried to remove the rabbit hat from the young lady, but perhaps due to her nervousness, the rabbit ears became entangled around Cui Ti's neck. No matter how she tried, she couldn't remove them, and she began to sweat from the exertion.

Hao Zhong and Rao Liang, not daring to hide, knelt down in submission, ready to accept any punishment.

After the frenzy, an awkward silence ensued.

Cui Ti's face shifted between shades of white and red. Her bottom lip was bitten tightly. She hung her head, not daring to meet Pei Xuan's gaze, and even more afraid of what Xing Guang might think of her upon seeing this scene.

She felt so embarrassed that she wanted to cry.

Bai Tang stepped forward, "M'lord, it was I who encouraged the young lady. If you must punish someone, punish me!"

They were all vying to take the blame. Cui Ti, with a heavy heart, slowly raised her head to look at her 'husband' who was supposed to be out socializing. Her eyes brimmed with tears, "It was my idea. They had nothing to do with it."

Pei Xuan was both amused and touched by the loyalty displayed by all four, "Do you think I'm some kind of villain? Get up, all of you."

Approaching Cui Ti, he untangled the rabbit ears from her neck. And honestly, those ears were quite long. He gave them a gentle squeeze, and they felt soft and fluffy.

Cui Ti's face turned a deeper shade of red, her embarrassment almost palpable.

"You all can leave."

Bai Tang, noticing that the young lady's mind was clearly elsewhere, hesitated before leaving, with Hao Zhong and Rao Liang following closely behind.

As they walked out, still in a daze, the cold breeze in the corridor brought them back to reality, and they felt the full force of their embarrassment. How had they been seen in such a state?

Yes, how had they been seen by Xing Guang?

Cui Ti was mortified.

After setting aside the rabbit ears and hat, Pei Xuan playfully admired the rabbit outfit on Cui Ti, "My wife, you actually look quite lovely in this."


Cui Ti immediately covered her face, turning her back to him.

"I'm serious."

Whether he was serious or not, all Cui Ti wanted right now was for him to forget everything he had just seen.

Seeing that she still didn't believe him, Pei Xuan put the rabbit hat on his own head. "My dear, how do I look with this on?"

He fiddled with the two rabbit ears, seemingly quite amused.

Cui Ti, trying to suppress her embarrassment, turned back. She wanted to laugh but held it in. Pei Xuan, with his tall, slender frame, was better suited to portray an ethereal bamboo spirit than a rabbit. After all, rabbits were often depicted as round and cuddly, not tall and slender.

Seeing her laugh, Pei Xuan had an idea. "My dear, why don't we enact the first encounter between a celestial lord and a rabbit spirit?"

First encounter?

Cui Ti's face turned even redder. "Weren't you supposed to go out?"

"I've changed my mind."


He was always so impulsive, and now, he was so enthusiastic that he even called for his servant through the door, sending them to convey a message to the Song residence.

Once the formalities were done, Pei Xuan had plenty of time. "My dear?"

Cui Ti felt like she had unwittingly set herself up for something she hadn't anticipated.

Her beloved was the youngest top scholar of the Great Zhao Dynasty, known for his literary talent. Thanks to his writings, Cui Ti had 'read' many romantic stories. Among them, the story of the 'Celestial Lord and the Rabbit Spirit' spanned eight lifetimes and took up hundreds of pages.

And their first encounter...

Cui Ti suspected Pei Xuan's intention wasn't as innocent as he portrayed.

In the story, the first encounter between the Star of Literature and the rabbit spirit was when the celestial lord saw a girl, who had just transformed from a rabbit, reflected in a mirror.

The passage described: "Suddenly, a white light shone, and the radiant rabbit transformed into a girl of fourteen or fifteen. Her eyes were pure, her hair as black as ink, and her skin as white as snow. She embodied all the wonders of the universe. As she stood up, traces of fear were still evident. Sensing someone watching her, she softly asked, 'Who's looking at me?' All was silent, save for the rustling grass and the whisper of the wind."

That was their 'first encounter'.

Cui Ti remembered it clearly, even recalling how her emotions surged when reading that part.

She cast a glance at Pei Xuan and turned to flee, but he swiftly wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close.

Outside the window, snow flurried heavily, with every household bustling in preparation for the new year.

In the study, Cui Ti felt a numbing weariness that sapped her strength, even making it hard to grip a pen. Pei Xuan held her hand, guiding her to write New Year's couplets.

"Where should we hang them once they're written?"

"We'll hang them in our bedroom."

Cui Ti felt relieved.

Every joyous season like this, numerous colleagues would come asking for her calligraphy. After distributing the New Year's couplets among close friends, people from the palace arrived once again.

The leading eunuch, with a beaming smile, presented the treasured ink work that Pei Xuan had prepared for the emperor. Pei Xuan rubbed her sore wrist. Seeing how tirelessly Pei Xuan had been working recently, Cui Ti chastised, "Let's see if you dare to overexert yourself again."

Be obedient?

Those who are too obedient often find themselves without a wife.

Wenqu was obedient for ten thousand years and remained isolated for just as long. Even after a thousand reincarnations, with all his reservations, he couldn't even touch a single hare's fur.

Pei Xuan, having reincarnated as a human, wanted to fully experience life and not be a mere obedient log. He suggested, "How about we make lanterns?"

After all, the festive atmosphere is essential during the New Year.

In the afternoon, two hare-shaped red lanterns were hung at the entrance of Su Shui Villa. Passersby would invariably look up and admire them.

As the twelfth lunar month quickly waned, leaving behind only its delightful tail end, on the 27th day of the month, Pei Xuan and Cui Ti hurried back to their family mansion for a reunion with their loved ones.

In Xi Jing, firecrackers echoed continuously in the recent days. On the first day back to their family mansion, a wedding invitation was sent from the household of the Earl of Xining. Cui Dai's marriage had been arranged.

Speaking of the notorious third Miss Cui, two months ago she almost choked to death while drinking tea. She developed a high fever that nearly damaged her brain. Once recovered, she accidentally took a nasty fall, and by sheer misfortune, knocked out her two front teeth.

With such a string of bad luck, rumors spread in town that she had offended some deity.

During the days she confined herself at home, Cui Dai often shed tears in her room.

During moments of deep sorrow, she pondered. Just because she had a bit of bad luck, ignorant people labeled her as 'star of calamity.' Just because she was missing two teeth, she became the laughingstock among the city's elite young ladies.

Lost in thoughts, she thought of Cui Ti.

Cui Ti was born blind, bearing the stigma of 'cursed child' and abandoned in the dilapidated south wing of the mansion. She never acknowledged Cui Ti as her elder sister, yet Cui Ti remained undisturbed.

If roles were reversed, even without the maid Bai Tang, Cui Ti would still have lived a better life.

Because Cui Ti was like a flower blooming from a rock.

Stronger than her.

Cui Dai still wasn't very fond of her sister, with jealousy and envy always lurking. Yet, during her times of great distress, Cui Ti sent over a dentist upon hearing of her plight.

Initially, Cui Dai thought Cui Ti was mocking her.

But she overthought.

The dentist made dentures for her and encouraged her to wear them outside.

Tears welled up in Cui Dai's eyes that day. She realized the blind Cui Ti was more genuine than all the fair-weather friends she had ever made.

Facing hardships and sudden enlightenment, she seemed to grow up overnight, no longer wanting to compete with Cui Ti.

Moreover, the events that transpired made her realize the importance of cherishing blessings. Otherwise, even what's present could be lost.

She worked hard to mend the strained relationship between her parents, helping her mother with her appearance and striving to win her father's affection.

Her initial attempts were clumsy. Fortunately, the Earl of Xining and his wife, though negligent towards their elder daughter, genuinely loved their younger one.

Cui Ti was someone they never truly loved, making any attempts at reconciliation appear shallow and ridiculous.

Cui Dai was different.

Every single day since her birth, she was nurtured with parental love and care.

In the past, they were overly indulgent and lenient towards her. Now, with her newfound understanding and willingness to change, the gloom that hovered over the Cui family slowly started to lift.

Everyone is trying to make the best of their days.

After hearing the report from the Cui family member, Cui Ti delicately held the wedding invitation, her smile faint, "Very well, Xing Guang and I will attend."

Cui Jian, a close associate of Earl of Xining, Cui Shao, held a respected position in the Cui household. He spoke with reverence, "The third Miss specifically instructed me to relay a message to you."

"And that is?"

"The third Miss said that on her wedding day, she will sincerely apologize to her elder sister. She hopes that, considering the bond of blood, her elder sister would forgive her youthful ignorance. She knows she was wrong."

In the past, Cui Dai often mocked Cui Ti for being blind and considered her a cursed child whom no one would like.

Now, she too was labeled as a "jinx" and called the "toothless ugly creature."

Only when she truly felt the sting of such words did she realize the power they held.

Cui Ti's smile grew, "Unexpected."

Cui Jian, looking at her with some concern and recalling Cui Dai's earnest request before he left, whispered, "In my opinion, the third Miss has truly learned her lesson this time."

Cui Ti, who had been grateful to this old servant ever since he had offered her a meal when she was eight, nodded, "Is she happy with this marriage?"

"Very much so! Although the groom's family isn't as prominent as our eldest young master's, they are honest people. The third Miss is very pleased."

"If she's happy, that's good." Cui Ti spoke softly, "I will remember your words."

"Thank you... I should take my leave now."

She stood up to see him off.

But Cui Jian, feeling it inappropriate for her to escort him, hurried away.

Bai Tang, surprised, remarked, "Has she truly changed for the better?"

"Perhaps she really has."

Cui Ti seemed lost in thought.

She had always prepared herself for a life without her parents and sister. Yet, fate took an unexpected turn when she least expected it.

After the New Year, Cui Dai should be turning sixteen.

Soon, she would be a grown-up Miss.

Cui Ti's emotions were mixed. Previously, Cui Dai would always act defiantly and rudely. Now, she willingly called out "sister" and admitted her mistakes.

This belated acknowledgment and the word "sister" evoked a whirlwind of emotions.

She secretly harbored her own concerns, but on the surface, she laughed and joked as usual, not wanting to disturb her family's mood.

Yet, Pei Xuan, with his keen insight, noticed.

On New Year's Eve, after the reunion dinner, Lady Pei, dressed in exquisite attire, walked over with a smile, "Ti, Xuan is waiting for you in his room."

"Waiting for me?"

Cui Ti looked bewildered.

She couldn't see the joy in her mother-in-law's eyes, but Bai Tang, standing beside her, caught it clearly, "Maybe there's a surprise waiting for the young mistress."


Lady Pei playfully scolded Bai Tang.

A surprise?

Cui Ti eagerly urged, "Tang, help me there."

She loved surprises the most.

In early spring, the weather was still cold. Cui Ti, wrapped in a thick cloak, arrived at the door. Bai Tang said, "Young mistress, this is the place. Please go in!"

She dashed away, torn between playing with Hao Zhong or watching the sunrise with Rao Liang the next day.

Cui Ti didn't have such concerns. As her hand was about to touch the door, it opened from the inside, and a slender pale arm reached out, leading her into the room.


The door shut behind her, and was bolted.

The room was as warm as spring, with a snowy carpet covering the floor. Pei Xuan, dressed in feminine attire, stood barefoot on the soft woolen rug. His long eyebrows, rosy lips, and slender figure made him look stunning. The skirt of his dress flared out, revealing delicate lotus patterns, and every silver thread carried a touch of gentle sentiment.


She barely started when the word "Guang" was caught between her lips and then lost.

Pei Xuan took her hand, placing it on his enticingly slender waist, sealing their words with a kiss.

At that moment, the sky was bright, and the world was filled with love.