Thursday, December 21, 2023 @

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized | Chapter 52

Chapter 52 - Playing with the Tides

Late into the night, the conversation took a haunting turn, sending chills down Cui Ti's spine.

Yet, having lived another life, perhaps experiencing more twists was only natural. With a racing heart, she nestled into Pei Xuan's embrace, her voice faintly hoarse, "Who was it?"

Pei Xuan hesitated. It felt as if a heavy stone was pressing on her chest. With her eyes downcast, she tightened her grip around Cui Ti's waist. Only when she heard the stifled whimper from the Miss in her embrace did she realize her grip.

"It was my cousin."

Uttering these words seemed to drain her. She closed her eyes, wearied, "I 'saw' her push you into the lotus pond. You struggled fiercely, then surrendered. The water reached the top of your head, and she stood by the pond, watching coldly with an unfamiliar look I've never seen before."

She didn't want to falsely accuse her cousin, but this revelation rang alarm bells in her heart.

Recalling her despair and terror from her previous life, Cui Ti's face paled, "Then...what happened?"

Pei Xuan's voice softened, "Then, I was awakened by your tears."

These mysterious, unsettling visions and the haunting debts of past lives; one was the person she dearly loved, and the other was the cousin she grew up with. Pei Xuan couldn't explain why she'd 'seen' such a scene, but her concern for Cui Ti was genuine.

"One must always be wary. We need to be more alert. Fortunately, my aunt is already arranging a marriage for my cousin. Song Zizhen, you know him. He had a chance meeting with my cousin a few days ago and was smitten. The Song family might not be as esteemed as the Dou family, but he is of good character and has a promising future. My aunt is eager to marry off her daughter, so I believe this marriage will proceed."

Cui Ti was speechless.

Pei Xuan looked deep into her eyes, "My wife, if that dream truly represented our past lives, then it must have been my failure to protect you. Please trust me once more."

"How could I ever doubt you?"

Uncertainty loomed in Cui Ti's heart. After all, she was someone who had 'awoken' from the mists of a past life. What if one day Xing Guang, too, 'awakens'?

Their past life hadn't been as beautiful as the present. She wasn't prepared to confront the 'husband' of her previous life.

The mere thought made her heart race.

She looked so fragile and delicate, stirring compassion in anyone who laid eyes on her. Pei Xuan couldn't resist taking another look, reaffirming her resolve to guard her.

Under the lamplight, Cui Ti's beauty was all the more entrancing. Pei Xuan felt her heart racing, sensing a subtle yet profound shift in her feelings.

Her affection for Cui Ti deepened.

It was as if she owed her something.

Owed her joy, owed her smiles, owed her a life full of vibrant moments.

Cui Ti's breathing became erratic, her face flushed and her voice as soft as a mosquito's whisper, "Xing Guang, why are you... suddenly..."

A hand covered her eyes, obscuring her view. Pei Xuan whispered, "My wife, I adore you."

The atmosphere thickened with an intoxicating warmth, reminiscent of blossoming peach flowers. Sensing Pei Xuan's long eyelashes fluttering against her palm, Cui Ti shyly pulled away, somewhat overwhelmed by this tender passion.

Her chest heaved, drawing Pei Xuan in even more, a peculiar sense of familiarity arising within her.

"My wife..."

Cui Ti let out a soft gasp, her long legs trembling.

In the springtime, the flower chamber emanates a sweet nectar. Someone was thirsty, tasting it with tender affection.

It was another deep, intoxicating episode with no end in sight.

Before dawn, with the candle still burning in the inner chamber, Pei Xuan, draped in a robe, sat writing. Her expression was unexpectedly serious.

Judging by the flowing script beneath her pen, it was hard to believe she was describing the intimate scene of a 'reincarnated immortal wooing his beauty, an endless night beneath the wedding candles.'

And this delicate scenario was probably inspired by last night's events.

After finishing the three thousand words, Pei Xuan put down her pen, lightly blew on the manuscript, and then read it from beginning to end, her eyes gleaming with pride.

"Xing Guang..."

Half-awakened from her sleep, Cui Ti drank some water, then asked in a puzzled tone, "Why are you up so early?"

"I was writing."

Mentioning the manuscript dispelled Cui Ti's drowsiness. "About the immortal and the bunny spirit?"

"Mhm. Want to read it?"

How could she refuse? According to the progression of the story, it was about time the two characters officially got together.

She blushed slightly. "Show me."

Pei Xuan moved to the bed, manuscript in hand, and wrapped an arm around her wife, who was only dressed in her undergarments. They snuggled close, with the words on the white paper coming into focus.

A few lines in, under the bright candlelight, Cui Ti's ears turned red with embarrassment. "Close your eyes, no peeking."

She felt unbearably shy, heat rushing to her face.

Given Pei Xuan's years of sage teachings, she should've been indifferent and unfazed. Yet, whether it was the shock of "Cui Ti being secretly pushed into the lotus pond" or some unknown influence, Pei Xuan couldn't turn her gaze away.

Her heart and eyes were filled only with Cui Ti.

It's powerful when a serious person writes something playful. As Cui Ti read on, memories from last night surfaced in her mind.

"Done reading?"

Cui Ti jolted, slightly annoyed, "Who said you could open your eyes?"

Looking as fierce as a biting rabbit, Pei Xuan took the manuscript back, her smile gentle. "Is it good?"

The literary talents of heaven and earth, even if Cui Ti didn't know Pei Xuan's real background, she couldn't deny the excellence of the writing.

Blushing, Cui Ti felt weak, originally planning to tease her ever-serious partner. However, once Pei Xuan let loose, how could she resist?

"Have mercy on me!"

She clung weakly to Pei Xuan's shoulders.

Pei Xuan's smile was radiant, a newfound realization dawning on her.

Why would anyone prefer a wooden figure over someone with passion and fun?

Even gentlemen have their wild moments.

And her Cui Ti, regardless of her usual restraint and elegance, probably craved the intimacy of their shared moments more than anything.

She regretted only realizing this now.

Little did she know that today's "realization" was a fruit borne from many years of cluelessness.

In the highest heavens, the Red Luan Star and the Matchmaker God played chess and watched the 'Mist-Enclosed Flower' all night.

Whenever immortals descend to undergo trials, there exists a water mirror that foretells their fortune. When scenes are forbidden by the heavenly decree, the mirror fogs over, and flowers bloom within the mist.

Hence, the origin of 'Mist-Enclosed Flower'.

When Red Luan's heart stirs and the Matchmaker pulls the strings, destined relationships form. Sixteen hundred years ago, from the moment Wenqu felt affection for the rabbit spirit, their fates were recorded by the Red Luan Star and the Matchmaker God.

Who could have predicted that the red string of fate would entangle them for eight hundred years? Wenqu never dared to show himself to the rabbit spirit. When he finally took the step forward, it felt as though he was boiling the rabbit alive through countless reincarnations. Their love remained unspoken.

Because of this, the Matchmaker lost several strands of his beard, and the Red Luan Star laughed uncontrollably.

In this life, heaven finally took pity, allowing the two to become a true 'husband and wife'. The happiest of all about this union were these two celestial beings.

"The mark of Wenqu has loosened, and he's starting to see fragmented scenes from his past lives. If he progresses further, he might awaken his divine recognition and realize the identity of the reincarnated rabbit spirit beside him."

"If that happens, they would have truly realized their destined relationship."

"However..." the Red Luan Star said with a smile, "After undergoing trials for thousands of years, once they gain clarity, their deep love will surely cause this water mirror to frequently display the 'Mist-Enclosed Flower'."

The Matchmaker stroked his beard, "That's only fair. After holding back for so many years, it's about time for Wenqu, with his reserved and cool demeanor, to change."

The spiritual energy in the mortal world has grown weak. For thousands of years, very few have ascended to immortality. This has led to a shortage of talents, and the heavenly court has become desolate.

Now, the higher powers are encouraging a relaxation of the heavenly rules and promoting procreation. How could the immortals not ride this wave?

Speaking of which, Wenqu is indeed among the earliest and longest-serving ones to do so.

"Deep love is a good thing. Moreover, if the rabbit can reproduce and bear a litter of little rabbit spirits and little Wenqus for Wenqu, how could the heavenly palace not be lively?"

The celestial realm was paying close attention to Wenqu's trials. Meanwhile, back in the mortal world, at the Dou residence.

Dou Qingyue was currently clashing with her parents over the Song family's marriage proposal.

Madam Dou pleaded earnestly, "The young man from the Song family is talented and handsome, with a promising future. Although the Song family isn't as prestigious as ours, he is utterly devoted to you. My dear, both your father and I approve of this marriage."

"Approve?" She barely spat out the word when her rising anger made her chest ache, and tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "Mother! I will marry no one but my cousin! If I cannot be his wife, I'd rather stay unmarried my entire life!"

She was so adamant that for two months, the entire Dou household was in disarray.

One day, avoiding the 'watchful' eyes of the house members, Dou Qingyue secretly left the house. She found a young boy on the street and sent him to deliver a message to Su Shui Villa.

Receiving the letter, Pei Xuan stared at the familiar handwriting for a long time.

"Xing Guang?"

Cui Ti called out, concerned.

"My wife, do not worry. I already have a plan to address this."

His aunt and uncle had a very positive impression of Song Zizhen, and the Song family's proposal was sincere. Staying at the villa, he had some understanding of the situation in the Dou family.

He knew his cousin wouldn't summon him without a good reason. She must be desperate to break the deadlock.

"Go to the Song family and invite Brother Zizhen here."

The servant acknowledged and left.

About a quarter of an hour later, Song Zizhen arrived at the villa on horseback. "Xing Guang, what did you need to discuss?"

"I need you to accompany me to Gui Ming Lake."

"Gui Ming Lake?"

By the lakeside of Gui Ming, an arched bridge spanned from north to south. On the bridge, people were coming and going. Dou Qingyue, dressed in a light pink dress, with her hair swaying in the wind, attracted quite an audience.

She silently kept track of time, growing despondent when the person she was waiting for didn't appear.

"Over there!"

Following the direction his friend pointed out, Song Zizhen spotted the woman he cared for, looking heartbroken by the bridge's edge. A chill ran down his spine, "What...what is she about to do?!"

"Oh no, we need to stop her!"

The group rushed over in urgency.

From a distance, when she spotted Pei Xuan's silhouette, Dou Qingyue knew her cousin had a kind and soft heart and wouldn't stand by and watch her die. Thus, with a resolve to pressure through self-sacrifice, she shouted, "In this lifetime, I, Dou Qingyue, only adore my cousin Pei Xuan. I will marry no one but him! My heart's conviction is evident for the heavens and the earth to witness!"


She plunged into the lake like a tattered kite. Pei Xuan, deeply shaken, was about to dive in to save her when Song Zizhen, determined, pushed her aside, jumping in first.

Thankfully, it wasn't winter. The lake water was cool but not icy cold.

Dou Qingyue's desperate act stirred up quite the commotion in Xi Jing. Song Zizhen, being an adept swimmer, used all his strength to rescue her. Before exhaustion overtook him, he managed to pull her onto a small boat rowed by a female boatman.

"Qingyue! Qingyue, wake up!"

Drenched and looking quite disheveled, Song Zizhen clung tightly to her. However, being more of a scholar than a warrior, he couldn't hold on for long and soon slipped into unconsciousness.

By the time Pei Xuan arrived, the two were soaked, their bodies pressed together, looking quite improper.

The sight of their intimate predicament, combined with the scholar's bravery in saving a life, didn't escape the eyes of Xi Jing's citizens. Rumors spread quickly, suggesting that a marriage between the Dou and Song families was imminent.

Assured that both were safe, Pei Xuan covered his cousin's delicate form with a cloak handed over by a servant. As he turned away, a cold sweat covered his back.