Friday, December 15, 2023 @

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized | Chapter 46

Chapter 46 - Love Testifies

"I miss you."

She teased, "With you being this sweet, I wonder if one day you might bring another Miss home."


Pei Xuan took a sharp breath: That's definitely not on his mind.

Bai Tang and the attendant, Hao Zhong Rao Liang, squinted their eyes at their beloved M'lord, as if trying to see through his face whether he would ever be unfaithful to their young mistress.

Fresh from showing off in front of the Earl of Xining and his daughter, Pei Xuan couldn't help but offer a wry smile, "My love for my wife is evident for all to see."

"Fool," Cui Ti laughed, "Didn't you realize I was just teasing?"

He did, but when feelings should be expressed, they must be.

"You all may leave now."

The maids filed out, and Cui Ti took his hand, asking, "Why were you gone for so long?"

Mentioning this, Pei Xuan sat next to her, "Your younger sister..."

She has always been a person of impeccable character, rarely gossiping about others. But with that sudden sigh, one could easily guess what she had encountered.

"They wanted to see you, but I turned them away."

She rested her chin on Cui Ti's hand, "You won't blame me for acting without telling you, will you?"

"Do I seem so ungrateful?"

She gets the credit for being good; Pei Xuan takes the blame for being bad.

Cui Ti is a married woman. She follows her husband. Since Pei Xuan has forbidden her from seeing her natal family, any blame will not fall on her.

"My wife, I believe they haven't treated you right, and whenever you interact with them, you end up being at a disadvantage."

On the surface, they might be close relatives, but everyone knows the real dynamics. Pei Xuan dislikes her natal family. He's protective of Cui Ti and doesn't want her entangled with them.

She understands the Earl of Xining's perspective. If the Cui family genuinely cared for her even a little, the relationship between the two families wouldn't be so strained.

Now, all of Xi Jing knows about the missteps of the youngest daughter of the Cui family and how she offended the heir of the Pei family. This is the effect Pei Xuan wanted.

They can reconsider their relationships when both families are sincere with each other.

Who knows, he might even help his father-in-law someday.

As long as Cui Dai behaves herself and doesn't harm others unnecessarily.

Not all parents love their children. If they don't, so be it. Just don't harm those she loves.

After what Cui Dai did, in his fury, the Earl of Xining only locked her in the woodshed without food or water. Such protection shows clear favoritism. She wonders how Cui Ti feels about this. If she were Cui Ti, it would be hard not to be hurt.

Growing up loved and growing up neglected and hurt are worlds apart.

She can't imagine how Cui Ti endured the past eighteen years. The more she thinks about it, the more she resents the Cui family.

"Stop thinking about it." Cui Ti comforted her. "I'm not as fragile as you think. I've come to terms with it. Besides, I have you, don't I?"

She playfully shook Pei Xuan's little finger with her free hand, "With you taking up for me, I'm content."

Pei Xuan kissed her forehead, "I won't think about it."

Let's not waste good times.

Her actions caused quite a stir. Cui Dai lost face, and the Cui family became a laughingstock among the noble families of Xi Jing.

Coincidentally, on the same day, the maid Yun Hong, who was taken to the officials, was exiled to Heishui City, eight hundred miles away.

Matters like these are better left unthought, for once pondered, they can lead to wild speculations. Yun Hong was accused of insubordination and mistreating her master. On the surface, it seemed as though Miss Cui had offended M'lord Pei Xuan, but who's to say that Cui Dai wasn't the puppet master behind this wicked maid?

For a time, the Shi family, who had an engagement with the Cui family, regretted their decision so much they felt sick.

They hadn't heard before their engagement that their future granddaughter-in-law was such a troublesome entity!

The old Lady Shi seized an opportunity to visit and had a delightful chat with Lady Pei. During their conversation, the matter of Yun Hong, the maid who had been exiled, came up. Through subtle probing, Lady Shi tried to find out the real story.

This wasn't a matter that couldn't be shared with outsiders.

After some contemplation, Lady Pei responded, "She's a heartless one. My son felt pity for her and brought her into our mansion, clothed her, fed her, and yet, after a few years in the mansion, she grew audacious enough to lay a hand on our young mistress."

Old Lady Shi's heart skipped a beat.

Incidents in the inner courtyards of mansions weren't uncommon. What she cared about was whether her future granddaughter-in-law had a hand in this mess. She feigned surprise, "A mere servant from the outer yard, where did she get such audacity?"

"Who knows? Perhaps she borrowed courage from the heavens. She's so gullible, believing whatever others say, even daring to bite the hand that feeds her."

The term "others" used here was particularly interesting in this context.

With a teasing smile, Lady Pei said, "Enough about this. Let's discuss something amusing."

Amusing? What could be more amusing?

Back home, old Lady Shi sat in contemplation for quite a while. When her son finally returned, she quickly summoned him.

"Mother, what urgent matter made you call me?"

At middle age, Lord Chenming looked not a day older than his years and was exceptionally respectful to his mother.

The old lady gestured for him to sit. After a moment of silence, her face filled with worry, she said, "Son, perhaps we should reconsider the engagement with the Cui family."

Lord Chenming's eyelids twitched, "Mother, what have you heard?"

"We cannot accept this future daughter-in-law."

She then relayed the veiled hints given by Lady Pei.

"When one marries, they should seek virtue. A bit of pride is tolerable, but if she disregards all relations, then she's not someone we can have in our family.

"Besides, initially, when we considered the Cui family, it was based on the praises for the Cui girls by someone of esteemed position. But in reality, she was praising her own daughter-in-law. Where does Cui's third Miss come into the picture? The Cui family really has acted in bad faith, deceiving us.

"Consider this: Cui Dai, being the legitimate younger sister, dares to interfere in the affairs of her elder sister's husband's family. She even dared to instigate the servants to plot against their master. How can she be a virtuous wife? Bringing her in would only invite disaster!"

Her words made Lord Chenming very anxious. He has always revered his mother, and after some contemplation, he said with a bitter smile, "The marriage is already settled. If we go back on our word now, it will tarnish our reputation."

"But we can't just bring a trouble-making daughter-in-law into our house! Do you want to harm Hai?"

The person she referred to is Lord Chenming's legitimate second son, affectionately called Hai, formally known as Shi Changliu. He has sharp brows and bright eyes, is of good character, and is a distinguished scholar. Given his qualifications and the Shi family's background, it wouldn't be difficult to find a good wife.

There's no need to insist on Cui Dai.

"This... Let me think about it."

"What else is there to think about? I'll handle this wicked person! Just say it was my decision, and when the time comes, I, an old woman, will personally bring gifts and apologize to the Earl and Lady of Xining."

Given her advanced age, Lord Chenming didn't dare to go against her wishes and promptly responded, "Mother, you're being too hard on yourself. If the Shi family is the one that broke the trust first, how could we burden you with apologizing to others? As the head of the family, I'll handle this matter."

Old Lady Shi immediately broke into a warm smile, "Such a compassionate and filial son."

The compassionate and filial Lord Chenming didn't act hastily after leaving the courtyard. First, he thought through what he would say. Then, he summoned his second son to explain in detail why he couldn't marry Miss Cui.

After consulting with his son, Shi Changliu had no objections. The following afternoon, father and son prepared gifts and went to the Cui family to break off the engagement. They were met by the Earl of Xining, who chased them out with a stick in hand.

Shi Changliu took a hit for his father, resulting in a swollen arm.

Lord Chenming, knowing he was in the wrong and genuinely heartbroken for his son, felt that his mother had a point. Such an in-law was better avoided.

In the blink of an eye, Cui Dai's enviable marriage was called off. Ashamed to show her face, she hid in her room, crying uncontrollably.

The Earl of Xining, still fuming after hitting the Shi father and son, felt helpless when he calmed down.

Lady Xining brought hot food to console her daughter, but from a distance, she could hear Cui Dai's crying and her impatient outbursts directed at her servants.

"I can't live anymore! Cui Ti has gone too far!"


"Get out!"

Cui Dai took a silk cloth and threw it toward the beam.

As Lady Xining entered the room, her legs gave out in fear, "Quick, get her down!"

The servants hurriedly stopped her. Having failed in her attempt, Cui Dai cried even more, "Mother, I'm so ashamed. Cui Ti is reaching for the high branches and blocking me from choosing a good husband. She's so wicked!"

"How can you say you've lost face? There are plenty of good men out there. We'll take our time searching. You're still young; there's plenty of time. Don't think irrationally." She paused for a moment, gently caressing her daughter's hair, whispering, "It might not have been her doing."

"If not her, then who?" Cui Dai was trembling with anger, "I won't let this go!"


Knowing she couldn't always indulge her daughter, Lady Xining's expression turned stern, "Be careful if your father hears such talk, you'll have to face the consequences!"

She truly didn't understand. These were sisters, born of the same mother. Where did this animosity come from?

If there were any grudges, it should be Cui Ti holding them against Cui Dai. After all, Cui Dai had always been the favored one since childhood.

She advised her earnestly, "You live your life, and let her live hers. Don't go looking for trouble."

Today's Cui Ti is not the blind girl who once lived in the southern courtyard. She can't be easily bullied anymore.

Cui Dai sobbed in her mother's embrace.

Whether she took her mother's words to heart, only the heavens knew.

In the bustling city of Xijing, there's a new topic for idle chatter. Miss Cui hadn't stepped out of her mansion for three months.

"Such pettiness from my cousin."

After drinking the medicinal brew from her bowl, Miss Dou remarked lazily, "He's from a renowned family, the legitimate heir. Why is he fussing over a young girl?"

Pei Xuan was not one to fuss over small things. He was generous and kind-hearted. If he took offense, someone must have crossed his boundaries.

She understood this yet jealousy consumed her, especially when she thought of Cui Ti being aware of her 'cousin's' identity, and their marital relations.

With a lump in her throat, she said, "Enough. Out of pity, fetch the letter from my study desk and send it to the Cui residence. Tell them I'm inviting Miss Cui for a lake visit tomorrow. After all, she still has to get married. She can't hide forever."

Receiving the invitation from Dou Qingyue, Cui Dai sat up in shock, "Why would she help me?"

A servant pondered, "Miss Dou is known for her kind heart. Perhaps she believes your situation is undeserved?"

Being warned by her brother-in-law, and then having her fiancé call off the wedding --- both incidents were no small matters.

Dou Qingyue was the only beloved daughter of General Dou, and Lady Pei's only sibling. In the entirety of Xijing, apart from the royal family, only Dou Qingyue had the capability to rescue Cui Dai from her embarrassing situation.

Cui Dai racked her brain, but she couldn't figure out why Dou Qingyue wanted to help her. However, with someone offering assistance, she was more than willing to show gratitude. She beamed with joy, "Quick, get the outfit ready for tomorrow's lake tour. I've been cooped up in this house for so long I feel like I'm growing mold!"

Coincidentally, Dou Qingyue invited the yet-to-be-wed noble ladies of Xi Jing to join her for the lake tour, while Lady Pei frequently took her daughter-in-law to various grand events.

Cui Ti managed to make herself familiar in front of numerous princesses and grand princesses.

Meanwhile, Pei Xuan's career path progressed rapidly.

Within just a few months of joining the Hanlin Academy, due to his merit in book compilation and his favored position in the Emperor's heart, he was promoted from a seventh-grade compiler to a sixth-grade reader, cutting what usually takes three years for most to advance.

There were those who admired him in the court, those who flattered him, and those who were envious. However, none of these affected Pei Xuan's soaring career trajectory.

Far away, in a land of ice and snow...

Ning Hehuan slapped the chubby donkey's back, and in a blink, the donkey transformed into a paper slip that flew into her sleeve. "It's me you have an issue with, not Wenqu. Once she completes her tribulation and takes her rightful place, I wonder how you'll explain your actions of harming the rabbit spirit to her."

"Wenqu can pursue the matter, and I will take full responsibility. But before that, you owe me an explanation."

The woman in a black cloak stepped forward, causing Ning Hehuan's hair to stand on end as she hastily leaped back. "We've both achieved immortality now, and our past lives are behind us. What use is there for you to pursue this incessantly?"

Her path to cultivation was based on the Hehuan Dao, and she didn't mind having a brief romantic entanglement. But this individual couldn't be Qin Qing.

Due to an unforeseen circumstance, she had slept with Qin Qing before her ascension. Since then, he clung onto her like a relentless stray dog, chasing her from the far north to the far south, from the ground to the skies. Even after becoming the leader of a celestial palace, he couldn't let go of such worldly matters.

She couldn't fathom how someone with Qin Qing's temperament achieved immortality. To be precise, she didn't even know what Dao he primarily cultivated.

Moreover, his audacity knew no bounds. To force her out, he dared to harm Wenqu's beloved rabbit, risking his own life.

"What's the use?" Qin Qing smirked. "No particular use, really. Just the sheer joy of watching you run around like a dog that's lost its home."

Interestingly, they both likened each other to a dog, an oddly synchronized sentiment.

Ning Hehuan let out a sarcastic laugh, "Fine, very well. But why involve the innocent in our quarrel? You almost killed that rabbit spirit!"

"Didn't you also play tricks on Wenqu?"

From beneath the hood, a face smirked ambiguously, "True to your Hehuan Dao nature, spreading the scent of romance wherever you go. What could have been settled easily, you made it into a seven-day ordeal. On the day Wenqu reclaims her position, neither of us will be able to escape."

"What would you know?" Ning Hehuan particularly disliked the disdain towards her Dao, "In our eight reincarnations, only in this life have we become intimate. This is the most crucial tribulation for Wenqu before she takes her place. I deceived her to heat up their relationship. And what did you do? A dignified immortal casting a curse on a rabbit turned mortal? When you return to the celestial realm, we'll see if the heavenly rules spare you!"

"And you, insisting on giving the blind rabbit the ability to see, aren't you also violating the heavenly rules by interfering with Wenqu's tribulation?" She sneered, "The rules won't spare either of us. How about we settle it with a fight before facing our punishments?"


She always knew this person was unhinged.

Ning Hehuan swiftly removed the jade stone from her waist. In an instant, the inert stone transformed into a live celestial crane. With a flap of its wings, the crane carried its master thousands of miles away.

"Trying to escape?"

Qin Qing flung her cloak and chased after her, riding the wind.