Friday, December 1, 2023 @

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized | Chapter 32

Chapter 32 - Stirred Once Again

The nights in Xi Jing were breathtakingly beautiful. It was as if the dignified maiden of daytime had slipped off her outer layer of plain robe, revealing a corner of pure white, a corner of warmth and softness. Caressed gently by the wind, her hair danced and its tips brushed over the palm of a hand. The dignity turned into an alluring charm, not fully matured, carrying a hint of youthful timidity and trembling sentiment that dazzled every passerby.

Stars, the bright moon, and the willows on the branches all became her embellishments without exception.

Cui Ti trembled like a flower in the spring breeze.

The newly blossomed flower outside the window also trembled, as if its petals had been touched ever so lightly, its body cherished with love.

The evening wind swayed gently, and the Prime Minister's residence, which seemed like a behemoth in the night, stood undisturbed and calm. The moonlight shone upon the pristine courtyard. The servants had received their orders early and had retired to their rooms to rest.

Bai Tang tossed and turned, unable to sleep. She got up with a roll, wearing only a small top. Her modest bust barely filled out the embroidered lotus pattern on it. She patted her chest, glancing at the lifelike flowers and leaves sewn above, and felt grateful for having a considerate mistress like Miss.

It must be her, Bai Tang's destiny, to be blessed. After more than a decade of mutual understanding and compassion, it has finally paid off in the belief that when 'one achieves enlightenment, all beings ascend to heaven'.

Miss had always treated her as a sister, never looking down upon her.

With a delighted grin, Bai Tang hoped that Miss would receive endless love and that M'lord would never betray the kindest heart of a lady in this world.

Soon, a knock came on the door. She asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Hao Zhong, and also Rao Liang."

So late at night, they came over. Bai Tang draped on her robe to answer the door.

Upon seeing her in such attire, Hao Zhong was taken aback, his heart racing so fast that he didn't hear Bai Tang's questions.

"Come in and sit down. What brings you here at this hour?" She poured two cups of tea and handed them to the visitors.

Still a bit dazed, Hao Zhong accepted the tea, while Rao Liang noticed his distraction. Choosing not to probe, she sat down and whispered to Bai Tang, "Too excited, couldn't sleep."

"What are you so excited about?" Bai Tang yawned, lifting her head. She would have to rise early to serve her mistress in the morning.

Rao Liang hesitated to speak directly, so she gestured with her thumbs coming together, mimicking a newlywed couple. She winked slyly, "We're waiting for the clouds to part and reveal the moon. We're so happy that we can't sleep."

Bai Tang was momentarily confused until realization dawned on her. Slapping her forehead, she exclaimed, "Oh! It's---"

She quickly covered her mouth and lowered her voice, "How did you know?"

"Just a guess," Rao Liang replied with a twinkle in her eye, anticipating Bai Tang's next question.

After Bai Tang curiously inquired further,

Rao Liang said smugly, "You weren't there, so you wouldn't know. After nightfall, the maid from Lady Pei's side sent a message to M'lord's courtyard: not even a cat should disturb the newlyweds. Otherwise, why would we servants be so idle? Think about it---if not even a cat is allowed, it must mean that M'lord is about to consummate his marriage with the young mistress."

Everyone thought the perfect pair had already consummated their marriage. When it was accidentally revealed that the young mistress was still untouched, both Hao Zhong and Rao Liang had been quite concerned.

Seeing M'lord and the young mistress's relationship blossoming, this night seemed like the perfect time.

Bai Tang exclaimed with realization, "What wonderful news! Hearing this, I doubt I'll be able to sleep either."

She was small but cunning. She hadn't read many books, but she learned a lot about the ways of the world behind Cui Ti's back at the residence of the Earl of Xining. It made sense---being a young child thrown into a dilapidated courtyard, depending solely on her mistress, she had to be crafty to survive.

Comparing her with others her age, Hao Zhong noted that her frame was on the smaller side, and her physical development lagged behind. A mix of emotions welled up in Hao Zhong, all of which culminated in a deep sigh.

What she disliked the most about Bai Tang in the past was her lack of refinement, her bluntness, and at times, a hint of sneakiness. But now, seeing her slender frame draped in a robe under the candlelight and her eyes shining brightly, genuinely happy for the young mistress, Hao Zhong felt a pang of guilt.

Realizing that she had initially looked down on Bai Tang from a place of superiority, her eyes were filled with remorse. Bai Tang, sensing the shift, asked worriedly, "Sister Hao Zhong, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Hao Zhong flashed her a reassuring smile.

"That's good." Bai Tang wasn't one to pry. In this world, two things mattered most to her: the well-being of Cui Ti and whether she herself was full. Everything else was insignificant.

"Since none of us can sleep, how about a long chat?"

Rao Liang's suggestion was unanimously agreed upon. The young ladies sat cross-legged on the bed, staring at each other. Bai Tang pulled out a set of cards hidden under her pillow, and the three started playing.

The stars shone brilliantly, and the plaque of the residence stood silent under the night sky.

Further away, past two streets, a night watchman yelled, "It's dry, be cautious with candles!" Every household shut their doors and went about their lives. Some went to bed early, while others sought solace in each other's embrace, deeply entwined.

The entire flower street was bustling, even more lively than during the day. Misses on the second floor waved their handkerchiefs, playfully engaging with passersby. Da Zhao had no curfew, so the sounds of music and song echoed every night from various establishments.

Children who stayed up late would break free from their elders, disappearing in a flash, leaving their frantic parents calling after them.

Another evening breeze swept through.

Ruffling the many scenes of human life.

Though the worldly view was picturesque, in the eyes of M'lord from the Prime Minister's residence, there was a portrait of a beauty that could rival this vast mundane world.

The Prime Minister's mansion was silent as if a giant beast lay dormant, gazing at the stars.

No one came to disturb them.

So, the beauty that entered Pei Xuan's vision became even more vivid and animated. His fingertips traced the flushed cheeks, and he wondered how someone could look so alluring when shy.

The 'white pear blossoms' gracefully floated into his view. Cui Ti trembled even more, gripping the fine sheets, her breathing erratic. Her eyes, full of that captivating pear blossom white, flashed back to the scene of her 'first encounter' with Pei Xuan a few months ago.

"Forgive my intrusion, Miss."

She bowed in respect, and as the wind blew, pear blossoms from the branches eagerly settled on her shoulders, gentle and charming.

Back then, the immortals hadn't yet ventured into dreams, and her spiritual eyes weren't yet awakened. By all accounts, Cui Ti shouldn't have been able to see, much less discern the young man favored by a multitude of blossoms.

But that's what she thought.

The image appeared so naturally.

The opening of her spiritual eyes allowed her to vividly see Pei Xuan, with hair black as ink and a neck as pure as fresh snow. How could he look like a man in such a state?

She treaded lightly, hardly daring to breathe. The collar of his inner robe was slightly open, revealing just enough of his straight collarbone.

Cui Ti was utterly dazed by this allure, feeling strange sensations she hadn't known before. It was as if her body had its own desires unknown to her.

She wanted Pei Xuan to hold her.

Even if it meant teasing her.

Or making her cry.

She felt embarrassed by such thoughts, to the extent that she forgot her shivers. She couldn't bear to look away, only wanting to gaze at Pei Xuan, only fond of Pei Xuan.

She was willing to offer her entire being, heart, soul, and all, to him.

A swallowing sound was heard. Pei Xuan appeared as if he was a freshly cooked red-braised fish, thoroughly done from head to tail. He lowered his gaze to Cui Ti, particularly noting the way her throat moved as she swallowed. The sight was enchanting, and he couldn't help but feel elated.

"My wife, I'm so nervous."

Cui Ti was caught between laughter and tears. She couldn't resist leaning forward, wanting to get closer. This gesture made Pei Xuan's heart soften, ensuring he refrained from saying anything too forward.

Her fingers delicately moved, revealing the embroidery of a blooming lotus that took three months of meticulous work to complete.

The beauty's raven-black hair was in disarray, her expression one of vulnerable submission, filled with devotion and loyalty. The corners of her eyes were tinted a delicate shade of red, as if a tender flower had fallen into the water, its petals drifting with the waves. To this analogy, Pei Xuan was the water itself.

And a blooming flower must be plucked.

The wind drifted in from a half-opened window, causing the bed curtains to ripple across the floor.

"Xing... Xing Guang..."

Instead, she clutched a soft corner of Pei Xuan's robe, like a moth to a flame or a drowning person clutching at driftwood.

Incense from the purple-gold burner swirled around, and even with the evening breeze coming in, its warming, mood-enhancing effects entered the beauty's heart. The fragrance, known as the 'Enchanting Scent', was designed to evoke intense emotions, a superior treasure for the bedroom, mostly used by the royalty.

It was the final trick Lady Pei used to encourage her daughter.

Cui Ti was lost in a misty mountain haze, amidst the clouds in the sky, her repeated calls of "Xing Guang" rendering one weak and tender. Pei Xuan watched her, dazed, suddenly realizing why his mother had him ingest a pill to calm the heart beforehand.

"Ti Ti..."

Her voice was hoarse, her palms feeling something slick.

The silent courtyard carried a hint of the wind, with faint traces of soft cries blending into the expansive night.

The world's passions were as scalding as boiling wine.

Lady Pei chuckled as she lifted her foot, and Prime Minister Pei tenderly dried the droplets of water from her jade-like feet. From young spouses to companions in old age, he embraced his wife and entered the tent, asking, "Do you think it'll work?"

"If not now," Lady Pei's playful smirk shifted to a huff, "she might as well be branded with 'Pei Can't Do It' for her entire life."


Who ever heard of a mother suggesting her daughter was incompetent?

Pei Rufeng cherished his wife more than his own life. After much internal debate, he inevitably sided with the woman he had loved for over twenty years.

"My lady, shall we retire for the night?"

Lady Pei adored his immense power and influence, but she equally cherished the tenderness he showed her as night fell.

Stars lit up the vast sky, the moon shone brightly, and the scent of flowers wafted in from outside. The young Lady of the Pei household was soft and pliant, her expression dreamy as she playfully entwined with her 'husband'.

A large, thick book of illustrations sprawled across the bed. Experience leads to true knowledge, and the intelligent and studious Pei had already developed his own set of unique techniques.

"Ti Ti?"

He cradled Cui Ti's sweat-slicked jaw, his eyes blazing with intensity.

Cui Ti looked like an exhausted cat, her voice choked with emotion, "Am I... am I truly yours now?"

"Yes, you are now truly and rightfully my wife, bound to me in both name and spirit."

Moved by his words, Cui Ti both laughed and cried, clinging onto him tightly, "Xing Guang, are you tired?"

Pei Xuan, the seemingly fragile scholar with a strong sense of pride, had previously felt sensitive due to the ridicule about his perceived incompetence, especially after his mother's interventions. Hearing her words now, he perked up, "My lady, I'm not tired in the slightest."

"Xing Guang..."

With each soft and gentle call of his name, shamefully, Pei Xuan's heart stirred again.