Monday, November 27, 2023 @

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized | Chapter 28

Chapter 28 - Pei's Impotence

The aphrodisiac took effect and Cui Ti closed her eyes, unable to resist anymore. Pei Xuan gently kissed her lips, then took out a small jade bottle and took a deep breath. 

The dizzy drowsiness was dispelled by the cool scent of medicine. A gust of night wind blew in through the tattered roof, bringing in the night air.

In the May weather, the wind was neither cold nor sultry. A few stars circled the shabby and bleak hole, and even in this destitute house, they were enveloped in moonlight.

Holding his beloved wife in his arms, Pei Xuan looked up at the incomplete starry sky. Cui Ti was sleeping soundly, the silk ribbon covering her eyes had fallen to the side of the pillow, and her collar was slightly open, revealing her straight collarbone.

The moonlight was enchanting, and the sleeping beauty was also enchanting. 

A light kiss landed gently on the beauty's eyelids. Pei Xuan couldn't help but hold her soft body closer to his own.

It was somewhat dangerously bewitching.

A sigh fragmented in the tender entanglement of moonlight and night breeze. After waiting for a long time, long enough for Cui Ti to fall into sweet dreams, Pei Xuan carefully leaned to her ear, "My lady?"

Silence on the ground.

Lonely in his heart.

Pei Xuan looked at Cui Ti apprehensively yet expectantly. The thoughts of integrity and concealed selfishness debated endlessly in her mind.

She blinked wearily, gently hugging Cui Ti's fragrant shoulder, and stroked her smooth chin, "My lady?"

Not a peep.

The wind also tactfully doubled its gentleness.

The apprehension disappeared, replaced by naive nervousness. Pei Xuan hugged her slender waist. Cui Ti, dazed by the drugs, was no match for her. 

Obediently and cleverly buried in her husband's neck, breathing light and long, somehow provoking an itch in one's heart.

Pei Xuan held the back of her head and moved it a few times. Cui Ti's face was forced against her neck, her lips pressed to her sensitive throat, both embarrassing and novel.

Pei Xingguang, who had been taught by sages since childhood, closed her eyes and enjoyed the countless pleasures, guilt, and hidden desires that blossomed in her heart.

When she opened her eyes again, the clear eyes were tinged with heat. 

Mentally scolding herself for what she "shouldn't" have done, Pei Xuan reined in her indulgent spirit. She laid on her side, dreaming all night long.

The rooster raised in the northwest wing of the house crowed at daybreak. 

In the White Peony Courtyard, Cui Dai hid under the quilt and sat up, "Annoying! Do you want to let people sleep or not? Go slaughter that foul!"

A series of complaints followed. The servants were extremely apprehensive, "We can't slaughter it, we can't! Young miss, the rooster is prepared by the Earl for the young master."


Cui Dai was stunned for a good while, half of her sleepiness gone.

In the broken tiled hut of the south courtyard, Hao Zhong, Rao Liang and others were busy early in the morning. Today was the day their young lord and lady returned home. The Earl of Xining had sent many exotic gifts.

Jade ware and paintings were still considered normal. What was absurd was that the return gifts also included big white pigeons and roosters tied with red ribbons, all alive!

Perhaps the Earl also felt that the rooster was noisy, so he sent someone to tie its beak with a red cord.

Putting everything else aside, carrying a chicken in the left hand and a pigeon in the right on the way home did have some simple and unadorned meaning.

As the heir of the Prime Minister, the young lord had seen all kinds of fineries. For sending such unconventional gifts, this Earl of Xining was quite exceptional.

The carts were fully loaded with both lifeless and lively gifts, keeping everyone busy and delighted here. On the other hand, inside the room, Pei Xuan had just woken up from the bed.

Cui Ti had been awake for a while. Needless to say, she had been drugged again last night. Kissing her until she fell asleep.  

She resented Pei Xuan for having lewd thoughts but no guts.

Sensing movement beside her, she glanced over - Pei Xuan had just woken up, her hair draped down, her face flushed, her eyes watery.

Seeing her like this made Cui Ti want to laugh.

Who could have imagined that Pei, who would one day keep the court and public in awe, still had such an innocent and pure look?

"My lady." Pei Xuan spoke and yawned. Her spirit was a little sagged. Realizing this, she pulled herself together and started changing clothes for Cui Ti.

Cooperatively stretching out both arms, Cui Ti asked, "Didn't you sleep well, my lord?"

"Not too bad," Pei Xuan quickly tidied her inner garment, not daring to look much. "Probably because I slept too late."

"Oh," she let out, not saying more.

Pei Xuan hoped her lady would ask more questions. But since Cui Ti didn't ask, she didn't dare harp on it.

After getting dressed, Pei Xuan truly enjoyed seeing Cui Ti. Unable to restrain herself, she leaned down and planted a dragonfly-touching-the-water-style kiss on her brow.

Being intimate with the girl you like is blissful. After kissing Cui Ti, she suddenly realized her own undressed state, lowering her gaze, her slender fingers fiddling with the thin inner garment.

Seizing the opportunity, Cui Ti 'groped' for that pretty face, and her soft lips pecked her white and tender jaw.

It was over as quickly as it started.  

Pei Xuan suddenly looked up, smiling exceptionally warm and bright.

Cui Ti shyly curved her brows and eyes.

Having gotten consent, Bai Tang came in with a copper basin to serve her young lady washing up.

"Young Lord, everything is ready."

The attendant presented the list of gifts sent back by the Earl of Xining's mansion.

With a quick scan, as expected, Pei Xuan asked, "What are these live animals for?"

"The Earl heard that the young lady likes raising small animals, so he specially sent them."  


Seeing her expression, the attendant added, "The Earl also said that if she gets tired of raising them, they can be slaughtered and eaten. They are all nourishing, home-raised creatures, better than those bought outside."

This Earl of Xining!

Pei Xuan's smile faded. "Since it's the Earl's kind intention, I should go thank him properly."

"Well...the Earl sent someone just now saying that he caught a cold and couldn't see you. My lord and lady can stop by the gate of his estate as greeting and farewell."

"Caught a cold? What's going on?"

The attendant stepped up and whispered a few words in her ear. Pei Xuan's face looked strange, "I see."

Last night, the Earl went to the White Peony Courtyard to confront his wife. In the end, the couple got into a big fight and both ended up bruised in the face. It was said that the Earl's injuries were more severe to the point of being unable to meet people. 

Not long after, the Earl's wife also sent someone with the same excuse as the Earl.

Pei Xuan and Cui Ti bid their farewells at the gate of the estate. Before leaving, Cui Dai, the unmarried third aunt, eagerly came to see them off.

The intention behind her hospitality was clear to the observant. 

As the carriage rumbled away, Bai Tang's guarded heart finally settled back in her chest.  

Ever since they were young, none of the three Cui sisters wished her miss well. She hoped it wasn't a vile attempt to steal someone's man.

Fortunately, the young lord was proper and virtuous, not to be seduced by the young enchantress. Riding a small colt, Bai Tang felt sincerely relieved that her miss had found such a considerate lord.

Inside the carriage, the furry little white rabbit stumbled around Cui Ti's legs. Pei Xuan sat close to her, fingers occasionally reaching out to tease the fur ball.

Seeing the whiteness of her fingertips, a smile formed at the corner of Cui Ti's lips. She remained silent, reminiscing about the young ladies from her past life and the things they used to chatter about.

Her silent demeanor resembled a gentle ink painting. Pei Xuan didn't want to disturb her, so, out of boredom, he began teasing the little bunny scampering around Cui Ti's thigh.

The bunny was pushed down by her finger, then it got up, only to be pushed down again and rise once more.

"My husband..."

Cui Ti's face turned crimson, "Stop playing."

Pei Xuan placed the bunny on his own lap, "Alright, no more playing."

She tilted her head staring at Cui Ti. Cui Ti pretended to be blind, brushing her thighs as if the ticklish feeling from being pushed around was still there.

Not only was her face red, her ears also glowed bright red. Pei Xuan suddenly rested her jaw on her shoulder, full of curiosity, "My lady, I didn't know you are so ticklish."

The rabbit was placed to one side by her.

With her little secret laid bare, Cui Ti nodded shyly, "Yes, I'm less tolerant than most."

"How about this then?"

A short gasp of surprise echoed, followed by bursts of laughter.

The servants accompanying the Pei family played the roles of deaf and dumb, thinking to themselves: M'lord has indeed become livelier after getting a wife.

The coachman tried his best to keep the carriage steady despite the merry commotion inside.

Cui Ti ducked and hid, but there was no escape. Her face flushed crimson as she fled into the arms of the main instigator, laughing so hard tears welled in her eyes. She pleaded with a tender look, "Stop, please stop teasing me, spare me?"

She was already beautiful, but her pleading demeanor made her look even more enchanting. Pei Xuan's throat constricted slightly, "Why should I spare you?"

The carriage bumped timely at that moment. Pei Xuan hurriedly held her body tight, heart blossoming in that instant, "Why should I spare you?"


She was clearly bullying her. Cui Ti racked her brains but couldn't think of how to dissuade her. Tears clinging onto her lashes, fingertips lightly tugging Pei Xuan's clothes.

Pei Xuan's eyes changed subtly as she pressed her hand down, "Give me a reason and I'll let you off, okay?"

Cui Ti blamed her for being stubborn, resentfully saying, "Why are you like this?"

"Just like this."


The more Pei Xuan looked at her, the more she liked her. "Give me an appropriate reason, and I won't tease you anymore this road."

"Because..." Cui Ti's arms circled her neck, "Because I'm your lady. If you don't spare me, who else will you go bother?"

The carriage bumped again at the right time. Pei Xuan hurriedly locked her body, heart blossoming in that instant, "Then I will only bother you."

Cui Ti's heart pounded violently. Mustering her courage, she raised her head with closed eyes, extremely embarrassed to ask for a kiss from her.


"Young lord, my lady, we're home."

Pei Xuan stopped.

Cui Ti turned her face away, breathing lightly. The docile rabbit nestled by her leg. The curtains lifted, sunlight coming in.

Bai Tang helped the young lady down from the carriage. Unexpectedly, she saw Cui Ti's moist, flushed lips that were slightly swollen, unable to hold back her smile.

She knew it! How could the young lord possibly ignore such a temptation right in front of him? Her miss was a rare beauty, a perfect match for this accomplished and brilliant gentleman.

Pei Xuan's body agilely jumped down from the carriage, her brows and eyes full of affection. The tenderness worth praising in this world melted at the slightly upturned corners of her lips, bringing joy and moving the heart of any who saw her, forgetting worldly affairs, only the feeling of being comforted by spring breeze remained.

Madam Pei walked out to welcome her 'son' and 'daughter-in-law' returning home. Pei Xuan paid respects to her mother before supporting Cui Ti into the Pei's estate.

Cui Ti's constitution was delicate. Her lips were also kissed and slightly swollen, adding a touch of charm not usually seen.

Madam Pei was experienced. Her heart was like a clear mirror. This time seeing them again, she treated Cui Ti exceptionally well. 

"Are you tired?"

"Not at all." Cui Ti addressed her mother-in-law with respect and intimacy, not just pleasing Pei Xuan but also Madam Pei with her tenderness and care.

In the end, Pei Xuan's job was snatched away. Helplessly watching Mother lead her lady away.

Behind them were cages of rabbits, chickens, and pigeons - all kinds of 'little animals' carried into the Pei estate. Hearing these were her in-law's good intentions, Madam Pei praised, "Father-in-law is truly unconventional."

However, she didn't feel kindly towards the Earl and his wife who mistreated her daughter. Exchanging pleasantries for show, she pulled Cui Ti's hand and started intimate mother-daughter talk.

The young lord of Pei's house thoroughly became an 'outsider', only able to quietly hold the rabbit waiting for her mother and wife to pay attention to her.

Standing there like a fool, she inevitably caught Madam Pei's glances several times. Unable to endure it anymore, "Xuan'er, Mother is thirsty. Go brew a pot of tea."

There was already good tea at her hand. Pei Xuan knew Mother wanted to shoo her away to chat with Cui Ti. Grievously holding the rabbit, she went to the courtyard to get some air.

"She's gone. We mothers can have a nice talk now."  

Cui Ti was amused by her teasing tone.

Her laughter was beautiful as thousands of pear trees shedding flowers, mesmerizing. Having seen countless beauties, even the most favored concubine in the palace was under her tutelage. Madam Pei lamented her daughter's taste - fancying such a exquisite, celestial beauty.

What a pity the heavens envied red faces, unwilling to let them be complete. 

She sighed, but also thought having a blind daughter-in-law was better than a clear-sighted one who brought doom upon the family.

After careful consideration, she gently said, "You and Xuan'er still haven't consummated the marriage?"

The smile lingering on Cui Ti's lips froze slightly.

"Do you know why she has been reluctant to consummate the marriage with you?"

"W-why?" She was shocked.

Madam Pei closely observed her expression. Seeing no resentment or hidden bitterness, her gaze imperceptibly fell on her slightly swollen lips. It seemed on the trip home, Xuan'er was quite intimate with her. 

Their feelings were steady and growing.

But until they consummate the marriage, she and her husband could not rest assured.

Only by giving her body and heart completely to Pei Xuan, becoming one with her in prosperity and adversity, could she be considered a true daughter-in-law of the Pei family.

She silently apologized to Cui Ti in her heart. Deceiving words automatically came out, "Because Xuan'er was injured in her youth, leaving hidden afflictions on her body." 

Afraid Cui Ti wouldn't understand the implication without a mother's guidance, she explicitly spelled it out, "In short, that part of hers does not work."