Wednesday, November 15, 2023 @

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized | Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - Coming to Steal a Kiss

The sky was still dark as the magpies sang in the trees, and the Prime Minister's residence gradually awoke from slumber. 

Servants yawned as they stepped out of their rooms, beginning the busy day ahead. 

Some watered the courtyard, others pruned the flower branches, and more swept the ground, backs bent as they quietly went about their tasks.

The Prime Minister's eldest son was now a married man, having taken a wife just yesterday. At eighteen, Pei Xuan had established a family and career, earlier than most young men his age in the capital. 

To the servants, the new young mistress was blind, and defects of body and eccentricities of character made them uneasy about Lady Cui, not having truly met her face-to-face. 

Master Pei Xuan had an excellent temperament, gentle and learned. That the finest young lord in the capital would wed a crippled woman regardless, caused some servants sympathy for her plight, and others jealous spite for Lady Cui's fortune.  

With so many people and thoughts, the hearts of those living in the inner quarters were kinder, unlike those in the outer quarters.

In the outer quarters, a maid tasked with watering the flowers stood in a daze, watering can forgotten in hand. Her companion tended blossoms nearby, and looked over in surprise to see her spacing out, water spilling aimlessly.

"Little Hong, what's the matter?"

"No...nothing's the matter."  

"Liar. You've been gloomy since last night. Look at you, I bet you didn't sleep a wink!"

The girl's name was Yunbi, and servants in the outer quarters often addressed each other with 'Little' before their names. She glanced around before lowering her voice: "Is it because the young master took a wife, and you're upset?"

Little Hong jumped, flustered. "Watch your tongue! The master and mistress haven't complained, what business is it of mine to be upset?"

She reacted strongly. 

Yunbi clicked her tongue, thinking her denial insincere. 

The young master's appeal was plain to all the women in the city—a handsome prodigy, with a bright future in the Hanlin Academy. What woman wouldn't want his notice?

To have this idol plucked from the heavens and wed to a blind woman of obscure birth was galling. Despite Lady Cui's lavish dowry, it was given to impress the Prime Minister, not out of care for her. 

Though Cui Ti brought a lavish dowry into the mansion, this opulence wasn't solely for her own prestige. Rather, it was the Earl and Lady of Xining offering a beaming gesture for the sake of the Prime Minister and M'lord's reputation.

Had the bride been an imperial princess or minister's daughter, they could never hope to match such status in this life.

But a blind commoner? What charm did she possess to win the young master's favor?

Yunbi was unsatisfied: "If you say so. But pull yourself together. The master won't abide distraction after his wedding night." 

"I understand." Little Hong gripped her watering can impatiently.

The sky was just beginning to brighten as the magpies chattered noisily from the branches. 

Outside the bridal chamber in the rear courtyard, Bai Ge yawned repeatedly as she sat on the stone steps by the door, bleary-eyed.

She hadn't slept well all night, fretting back and forth - afraid that Pei Xuan would take advantage of being a man to bully her young miss, and also afraid that after sampling the novel delights, Pei Xuan would lose interest and abandon her young miss. 

Men were fickle creatures when faced with something new and exciting.

Bai Ge rubbed her face. 

More than anything, she was afraid Cui Ti would suffer mistreatment without crying out, and indulge the man without restraint.

Her mind raced with proper thoughts and improper ones, circling half the night until finally her drowsiness dispersed.

Dawn's light filtered into the wedding chamber as Cui Ti watched her new husband's sleeping face. Awake all night, she felt energized more than tired, too thrilled to believe this twist of fate had befallen her.

She could still see Pei Xuan as day broke. The immortal had truly answered her plea!

Cui Ti was delighted beyond words. The shock of suddenly regaining her sight the night before was only just settling in.

Pei Xuan did not rest easy, a slight furrow on his brow and pursed lips, as if enduring some unspoken hardship. His long hair fanned across the pillow, face very pale, and even darkened brows could not conceal their feminine softness.

A 'legitimate child' of the Prime Minister’s residence, disguising herself as a man. 

In her past life, Pei Xuan was twenty-one when Cui Ti died, already a pillar of support for the new emperor. 

A woman who held up half the sky in the Da Zhao court, yet no one questioned the lack of rugged masculinity in her refined features, Cui Ti mused.

Perhaps it was her outstanding temperament—open, unaffected, neither fussy nor dramatic, somewhat precocious with a commanding presence that deterred disrespect. 

And who would dare offend the daughter of the most powerful official in the land?

Having a father as Prime Minister was the first step in Pei Xuan's meteoric rise.  

Cui Ti rested a hand on her waist, slender as a lady's should be. She thought: Pei Xuan only dared to deceive her because she was blind, hiding the truth for three years. 

In that time there were countless chances to confess, yet she remained silent. No wonder the Prime Minister and his wife agreed to the match.

Having tidied her thoughts, Cui Ti drew the brocade quilt higher to cover Pei Xuan, shifting the fabric. By accident, her hand brushed the bound and flattened chest beneath.

Pei Xuan awoke at the inappropriate touch, reflexively ready to push it away before recalling who shared her bed. 

That's right, yesterday she had married.

She changed to grasping the retreating hand, voice hoarse with sleep: "Mistress."

Hearing 'Mistress' from her never failed to stir Cui Ti's heart, just as the thousands of times in their past life.

This time was no exception.

"Did you rest well?" Cui Ti asked, seizing the chance to openly admire her disheveled state.

Pei Xuan blinked slowly, long lashes fluttering. With such a tender look, Cui Ti felt her heart swept gently by those lashes. 

It quivered.

"Not enough."

"Then you should continue resting?"

"If my mistress will join me."

Cui Ti looked at her incredulously. "Me...join you?"

Pei Xuan of the Hanlin Academy was making full use of her rare marital leave, gently pulling her new blind wife into an embrace while carefully avoiding inappropriate contact. Her tone was light and elegant: "Mistress, will you rest a while longer with me?"

Sharing the same bed, Cui Ti's face was forced against his neck. Blushing, she thought: the Adam's apple that Pei Xuan had let her touch before, seemingly a manly trait, must have been fake too, just stuck on to fool the blind.

Being so close, she couldn't help but feel flushed. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

Pei Xuan silently relished her reddened earlobes. After some time, his chest swelled with sweetness.

She had brought him into her home by her own selfish desires. Now that she had wedded and bedded him, and could even hold him in her embrace, she felt immense satisfaction.

"Wife, are you sleeping too?"

Sharing a bed, Cui Ti's face was tucked against Pei Xuan's neck in flustered intimacy. After a moment, she boldly pinched the other's waist in retaliation.

It didn't hurt. 

But it was somewhat stimulating. 

Never had anyone been so rude to her. 

Pei Xuan accepted it as playful affection between newlyweds, slowly closing her eyes to feign sleep.

"Xing Guang?"

After waiting unsuccessfully for a response, Cui Ti called out uneasily for reasons unknown, as if speaking her name would settle her chaotic heart.

When there was no reply after a second try, she gathered her courage and whispered directly in her ear: "Xing Guang?"

Pei Xuan remained still.

With two unanswered calls, Cui Ti nestled obediently in her embrace. She had barely settled before leaning up to press a shy kiss to Pei Xuan's lips.

Pei Xuan's lashes fluttered rapidly. Clearly awake.

Unfortunately for her, Cui Ti's vision had returned. While unable to see the outside world, her mystic sight was granted for Pei Xuan's sake, effortlessly noticing the tiny reactions that gave her away.

Thinking "My husband is actually pretending to sleep!", Cui Ti dared not expose this, only feigning her own slumber to see who would falter first in this game.

Her stolen kiss left Pei Xuan's heart ready to burst with sweetness. To be kissed by the girl she adored was pure joy. 

Maintaining her sleeping facade, Pei Xuan opened her eyes once certain the other had drifted off. Gazing with undisguised tenderness, she pressed a moist kiss to Cui Ti's lips.

It was rather amusing—at eighteen Pei Xuan had joined the Hanlin Academy, comporting herself with remarkable composure. Yet now, a single stolen kiss left her infatuated heart restless, unsure whether to cling to Cui Ti or reluctantly let go, conflicted for some time.

Cui Ti lay paralyzed on one side, burning on the other, heart tingling and melting bonelessly. She hadn't expected Pei Xuan to kiss her.

Pei Xuan really kissed her.

She secretly exulted, deeply moved. So her feelings weren't one-sided after all?

The cock's crow heralded the rising sun.

Compared to Pei Xuan, Cui Ti truly napped for a short while after, waking with flushed cheeks and locks of hair clinging to her face and the open neckline of her garment.

Though no longer blind, for now she had to pretend blindness. 

She wanted to see Pei Xuan's heart towards her with 'clear' eyes.

"Awake?" Pei Xuan met her gaze openly and frankly, no hint of embarrassment over stealing a kiss. Perhaps because she believed Cui Ti's blindness meant she couldn't see through her sleeping ruse, unaware of what happened while 'asleep'.

With no knowledge and thus no shame, Cui Ti knew but was the flustered one.

"Husband," she softly called.

Whether "Xing Guang" or "Husband", Pei Xuan loved hearing both from her. Cui Ti's every call gave her a melting feeling in her heart. She smiled gently, "Mistress, it's time to serve morning tea to Father and Mother."  

Mindful of Cui Ti's blindness, she held up the fresh set of clothes in a solicitous manner, attentive and thorough.

In their past life, it was also Pei Xuan who had helped dress her as a new bride. Unsure who was more nervous then, Cui Ti accidentally bumped her chin, and Pei Xuan gave a start, touching her chest. It was quite awkward.

With sight restored, Cui Ti vowed to be extra careful this time, at the very least... at the very least sparing Pei Xuan's lovely chin.

"I've troubled my husband."

"It's...it's my duty."

Pei Xuan held the garments, unsure how to proceed.

Cui Ti knew the extent of her bashfulness after three years together. If this was their past life, she would have spoken up to ease the awkward tension. But now, she acted mute.

A trembling hand reached over tentatively. 

Judging by the quivering, the hale and healthy young Pei Xuan seemed more a blind person than Cui Ti in that moment.

In all her years, Pei Xuan had never needed to undress or dress someone else. Truly easier said than done.

"Husband, why not call Bai Ge to come help."

"No need!"

Pei Xuan shut her eyes briefly before opening them. "Mistress, let me attend you instead of involving others."

Cui Ti raised her neck, watching with eyes wide as she fumbled to undo the sash of her thin nightwear...!