Thursday, November 9, 2023 @

On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized | Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - In The Prime of Youth

The winds of fortune had turned, and the once quiet and desolate South Courtyard had become the most admired place in the Earl of Xining's residence. The young ladies had also become the true masters here, highly praised and fawned over. Bai Ge was still in disbelief after seeing off another wave of well-wishers who had come to offer congratulations.  

She pinched her own face, feeling the slight pain. Her eyes immediately lit up with joy: "Miss, this is real! Did you hear what they were saying? Miss is going to be the top scholar's wife, going to be Young Master Pei's wife!"

Bai Ge giggled foolishly, overjoyed for Cui Ti and also for her own no longer bleak future prospects. 

"Young Master Pei is a good man, extremely true to his word. I won't scold him anymore from now on!"

The air was fresh and moist after the rain, with the spring breeze carrying the scent of flowers. Bai Ge went on and on, praising Pei Xuan to the heavens. In her eyes, anyone who did not look down on her miss and could see her good qualities had insight. 

And for Young Master Pei to marry Cui Ti, he was the smartest person in the world. 

"Today my eyes have been opened. I used to think these people were arrogant and foul-mouthed, but turns out they can say nice things too..." 

After rambling on, she tirelessly repeated Pei Xuan's "heroic feat" of snatching a bride to Cui Ti, as if she had witnessed the scene herself. Her retelling was no less vivid than the gossipy old women who had come to offer congratulations.

Cui Ti listened patiently the first couple times, but by the seventh repetition, she smiled helplessly, her voice gentle: "Bai Bai, aren't you tired yet?"

"This is such happy news! Why would I be tired?" 

Her delicate features were lit up with joy. Hands on her hips, she pouted adorably: "I'm not tired, and Miss must not be tired either."

Not waiting for Cui Ti to respond, she playfully exclaimed "Aiyo!" and teased: "How dare this slave speak to the top scholar's wife in this manner?"

Cui Ti was embarrassed by the term "top scholar's wife", unsure whether to scold her or ignore her. "Behave yourself. Do you not have anything to do? Go do your chores."

Bai Ge just laughed.

Truth be told, she did have many tasks to complete. Ever since the good news arrived, all the visitors had brought gifts, no matter how big or small. This was treatment they had never enjoyed before. 

Just for this, after finishing her urgent duties, Bai Ge circled the wall twice, pinching pieces of broken green bricks. She enclosed the spot where Pei Xuan had fallen off the wall, planning to use it as a cushion for the top scholar's grass mat. She respectfully called it: preserving the beautiful witness of Miss and Young Master's first meeting.

Cui Ti let her be, sitting alone on the stone steps by the door.

The old women eagerly crowded around, gossiping loudly about how Pei Xuan had snatched a bride. Their words went in one ear and out the other, as Cui Ti's mind was filled with the complicated feelings of "marrying this man again".

She had heard every word of Bai Ge's seven repetitions. 

The rainbow in the sky was brilliant. Cui Ti lifted her face and let out a long breath. She hoped that in this life, she and Pei Xuan could have a full, peaceful marriage.

In their last life he did not love her. What about in this life? 

She thought again of Pei Xuan. 

No matter how she pondered, she could not figure out what he was thinking.

He did not love her, yet cherished her like a precious jade, viewing her as the bright moon. 

He did not love her, yet could rush here in the rain just because a kite had flown high into the sky.

He did not love her, yet insisted on marrying her no matter what.

Without others telling her, Cui Ti already guessed what they were saying outside.

They must be claiming she had won the lottery, and Pei Xuan was muddled.

With so many noble ladies in Xi Jing, why run here to marry a blind girl?

With Pei Xuan's status, not to mention marrying a girl of equal standing, even a princess would be vying for him.

Meeting Pei Xuan, her luck was too good. 

No wonder she had been pushed into the lotus pond in her past life, she must have obstructed someone's path.

She could easily count at least ten or eight young ladies who were infatuated with Pei Xuan. She had tested him before about this, but each time Pei Xuan just laughed it off. 

The time she was most jealous, he had been most gleeful.

He held her from behind, his fresh scent blowing against Cui Ti's ear. He did not have the sweaty odor that Bai Ge complained men had no matter how many times they washed, nor the floral perfume powder scent on the hands of some foppish young masters. His scent was as clean and crisp as a bubbling spring, gently enveloping her.

He would not say extravagant sweet nothings, always proper and upright, but so proper that he seemed clumsy.

Perhaps knowing his own clumsiness with words, when coaxing her he would wrap his long arms around her waist, holding her close so she could not escape. He would gently murmur by her ear—

Don't be upset. 

Don't be upset, my lady.

His words were smooth and gentle, completely devoid of any frivolity.

Each time Cui Ti was placated, she would feel another layer of regret. 

Pei Xuan's carefree youth had been far too short. Taking office young, he was more prudent and mature than men his age.

As the Chancellor's son, the future pillar of the state, he had grown up

steadily, with a meteoric rise in position despite his stability and young age. This earned him much respect and envy.

Though he was a few months younger than Cui Ti, she was the one he protected. 

Compared to the wildly popular and upright Chen Xin from a few years later, Cui Ti preferred the Pei Xuan who had tumbled over the wall, who ran out without wearing shoes.

That Pei Xuan was vivid, as if freed from heavy burdens, relaxed and charming, not the distant dream husband who made Cui Ti anxious and stirred up bittersweet feelings. 

It was as if they could start over, redo everything they had missed.

If given another chance, Cui Ti wanted to find fulfillment with him.

"Miss, Miss?"  

Bai Ge's voice broke through Cui Ti's thoughts about past and present lives, calling her back to reality. She lifted her head, the white gauze over her blind eyes dazzling in the sunlight.

The Countess of Xining stood a few steps away, a strange look in her eyes. "Your fortunes have turned. You know what you should do without me teaching you, right?"

Cui Ti slowly shook her head. She truly did not know how this woman was able to seduce men looking like this.

The Countess spoke heavily: "Once married into an eminent household, it is an unfathomable sea. Although not a marquis' estate, Chancellor Pei's power exceeds that of marquises. The Pei family sees something in you and likes you. When married over, you must serve your husband well. 

"Your father and I do not expect to gain any great advantages from you, just hope you do not cause trouble and implicate our family."  

Bai Ge suddenly glanced up, unable to believe these were words her own mother could say.

Cui Ti kept her gaze lowered, reacting blandly. 

"The South Courtyard is unsuitable for you now. You will be a Pei family lady, so starting today you will move back to the Agarwood Courtyard. That way others will not gossip and say I favor you."


Cui Ti was not her cherished young daughter who could sweet talk. The Countess always got angry seeing her, so said what she wanted to say and then left.

Having been frail since birth, Cui Ti had spent the first three years of her life in the best environment in the Xining Earl's estate, the Agarwood Courtyard. After three years she was 'exiled' to the remote South Courtyard.

Based on the Countess' implication, she could only move back to Agarwood Courtyard by relying on Pei Xuan's status. If she could not become a Pei family lady, she still had no right to live in the biggest and best courtyard.

Bai Ge was indignant on her miss' behalf, but could only swallow her words since the Countess was Miss' birth mother.  

She stood there silently fuming as Cui Ti seemed to see into her heart and gently smiled: "Haven't we long gotten used to it? Let's tidy up and head to Agarwood Courtyard."

It was "head there", not "return".

After her younger sister's premature death, Agarwood Courtyard no longer belonged to her.

It was the third month, and for an impressive wedding in the fifth month they not only had to hustle in the Xining Earl's estate, the Pei estate also had to pick up the pace.

Fortunately, Pei Xuan had already planned to "propose" so it was not too rushed to prepare. 

Pei's mother was busy with preparations for her "son", and the impending marriage had Xi Jing city buzzing. Some said Pei Xuan was crazy, others said the Xining Earl's family had won the lottery.  

The noble ladies who admired Pei Xuan secretly envied and were jealous of a blind girl, while the more gossipy ones became curious what this blind Xining girl looked like to attract him so.

"The Chancellor personally came to propose for his heir, and can you guess what happened? Young Master Sun pissed himself in fright and got dragged right out! What a miserable scene!"

"What kind of person is Young Master Sun, and what kind is Young Master Pei? The firefly's glow can hardly compete with the bright moon!

"Though I did hear people say our top scholar was so eager to snatch a bride he didn't even have time to put on shoes. He raced there on a fast horse, but was blocked when he got to the Xining estate. His horsewhip cracked through the air, his clothes soaked by the rain, truly a display of indomitable spirit as he declared his intention to propose right in front of the Xining Countess! 

"Just one 'I do not agree', one 'the young lady living in the South Courtyard', this is the daring and romantic spirit of the best youths of Xi Jing! Young Master Sun? He doesn't amount to shit!"

Pei Xuan's reputation in Xi Jing was resounding, a handsome and talented youth, the youngest top scholar of Da Zhao. 

It was nothing that she had raced there still holding the whip. Because of her, Cui Ti instantly transformed from a pathetic blind girl to the first love that made the top scholar lose control.

Song Zizhen grinned wickedly: "I knew it, which girl could make our Xing Guang so impetuous? Tsk tsk, when love moves people, it's just different." 

Zheng Wuji chimed in: "The top scholar charging in wearing only socks, how bold, how stirring! Xing Guang is impressive!"

The second and third place scholars teamed up to poke fun at the top scholar who was younger than them. Pei Xuan just smiled amiably, not bickering with them.

She had no other bad habits, only liking to drink when happy, and still drinking when upset. 

The mellow sweet pear blossom wine slid down her throat. Her eyes were gentle. 

"Oh heavens, I just can't handle it, Xing Guang tone down your charm!" Song Zizhen clutched his chest and wailed dramatically. 

He and Zheng Wuji spurred each other on, but Pei Xuan remained unaffected with elegant poise. Her phoenix eyes lightly glanced at Song Zizhen, instantly silencing him.

"Luckily Xing Guang doesn't like men, otherwise who would still want to marry with Xing Guang around?" 

After he finished speaking, Pei Xuan smiled and ruthlessly poured him more wine.

Song Zhen could talk big but not hold his liquor. His alcohol tolerance was poor. He cried out for his brothers, father, and grandparents in a mess before Pei Xuan finally released him.

The top scholar calmly tidied her sleeve, the second and third scholars not daring to poke fun at her anymore. Zheng Wuji asked: "Xing Guang, how did you get past your father's objections?"

Pei Xuan furrowed her brow, reflexively feeling the pain in her knee. Setting down her wine cup, she lazily opened her mouth: "By kneeling until he took pity." 

"Impressive!" Song Zizhen said seriously: "I'm going to learn this move too, to use against my dad someday."

The honest Zheng Wuji laughed at him: "What's the use of learning it? You don't even have a girl you like."

"Nonsense! What does a real man have to fear without a wife?"

"Oh..." The second place scholar eyed the third place scholar's lower body: "What's so 'big' about it?"

Pei Xuan spit out her wine, coughing a couple times before slamming the table and laughing loudly.